Permanent Birth Control Options

Many women choose to participate permanent birth control procedure, while this method has become a medical necessity for many others. Permanent birth control can be achieved by a variety of effective methods these days. One such popular method is the tubal ligation, a woman can be sterilized by concluding, at the end of a clipping or burning the fallopian tubes.

Any of the above mentioned methods can help prevent the egg from entering the uterus, where fertilization takes place. Sterilization through this method is known as electro-cauterization. In earlier days, this procedure even through the vagina of a woman and sometimes it took several months to completely recover from the procedure.

There are more alternative methods for tubal ligation. Tubal itself carries three different methods. Within two days a woman has a baby, the procedure called minilaparotomy which lasts 20 minutes, is performed. This is not regarded as major surgery, and the patient is usually done under local anesthesia. This method of sterilization has been possible for many years women over oral contraceptives.

Laparoscopic management of the second type of tubal ligation. A small incision is made in the abdominal area, and a small amount of carbon dioxide is inside. This procedure is performed by experienced surgeons only, it requires the use of certain special surgical instruments. The whole procedure takes only ten minutes and the patient is healed very quickly without complications.

laser or other electronic device, the fallopian tubes are fused together and trimmed tracks. Laparoscopy is a third type of tubal sterilization, often within a short time after the Caesarean section. Since the fallopian tubes can be seen after the birth, the surgeon can perform the procedure immediately free more space and freedom.

There are other permanent birth control methods that practiced and hysteroscopic sterilization is one such method that is mostly out-patients. The vagina of the woman, a small tube is inserted into the opening of the fallopian tube, thereby blocking the tube and prevent the possibility of pregnancy. After recovery period, this procedure is approximately 24 hours, and no risk of any adverse reactions. The position of the inserted tube X-ray imaging checked several months after the procedure. Another popular sterilization procedure "Let 'which includes non-surgery, laser treatments or altering the fallopian tubes.

Furthermore, this procedure does not require anesthesia or hormonal shots and has proved almost cent percent success. Silicon free inserts are placed in the fallopian tubes to block the path of the egg into the uterus. The procedure takes only ten minutes, and performed by the doctor's clinic easily. Experienced and trained doctors should be consulted before you go to the procedure. In ancient times, there rarely was a woman who wanted to be sterilized.

The only way to avoid pregnancy that followed was abstinence. In contrast, a modern women can choose any suitable method of permanent sterilization. For a long time, tubal ligation was considered as the only choice for many women. But the development of medical technologies, today there are so many methods used to achieve permanent sterilization of women and the freedom to choose a method that suits them best.

Source by Katrina Polder

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