Starting with Poisonous Ivy

Now that the fall season has fallen on us, we find that we are more inclined to take a lively walk and enjoy some of the nature. Various public forests and parks are excellent places for this season. Children will have the opportunity to observe the metamorphosis of natural times as the color of trees and plants begins to change.

In addition to these positive features, there are some negative backslings. Since the 1950s, Poison Ivy has become more aggressive with increasing leaf size and higher levels of toxic oils. This is not a very encouraging remark if one of the 350,000 people involved is affected by the plant annually.

As always, Poison Ivy is still the most important crop to be avoided. Urushiol oily resin is bound to human skin when in contact with skin, and in the event that it is allergic to it, it is highly likely that a hypersensitivity reaction may be associated with itching and burning rash. With this toxin comes into contact, it can cause itching and scratching anywhere, up to three weeks. After absorption of the oil into the skin, it is usually approx. It takes between 12 and 36 hours for symptoms to appear. Blisters and itching will soon follow. In 1609 Captain John Smith identified and named the plant under the name "Poison Ivy". Usually they are found in most forest areas in the North American continent. This is characterized by three groups of leaves observed at the small stems of the larger stem.

Prevention is generally the best action for Poison Ivy. Avoid contact with your facility if possible. Wear long pants, long-sleeved T-shirts, boots and gloves to minimize the exposure of toxic oils. Keep in mind the plant as it does its daily trips. They found the way for pedestrians, playgrounds and other outdoor areas. If you find an increasing number of plants in the yard, it is advisable to consult with professionals who are constantly dealing with these plants. Never pick the weeds of plants as this will surely spread Poison Ivy oil in the yard.

For some strange reasons, most pets are immune to the effects of the plant, but it is not uncommon to throw the oil on their skin from the hair of the pet. It is a good policy to bathe your dog or cat while wearing a pair of thick rubber gloves. Wash your pet after washing it with just cold water to close the pores.

It often happens that you will find the growth of Poison Ivy. This plant has traditionally been used by Indians for centuries to speed up the healing process of Poison Ivy infections. Simply pick up the jewels and slices the stems of the plants. Then rub the juice out of your skin. This makes it easier to poison poison Ivy and prevents the spread. If you find the products known as Poison Ivy Soaps, it would be good to buy it. This soap contains jewelweed along with other reassuring ingredients like pine tar. If your condition is extremely serious or allergic to poisonous amber, it is advisable to contact your family doctor.

Copyright @ 2010 Joseph Parish

Source by Joseph Parish

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