Gran Canaria Holidays – The Top 15 Reasons for Go For It

Gran Canaria vacation is one of the best holidays you can ever have. The experience of this great island tells me.

With this article I will list 15 very good reasons (no cheating), why Gran Canaria should take holidays on the travel list.

Weather and Climate:

Weather in Gran Canaria the best weather you can Get anywhere in the world. This is not what I am talking about, but the result of the recent study by the University of Syracuse in the United States. This proves that Las Palmas, the capital of Gran Canaria, is the world's best climate.

How cool is the weather? There is mainly subtropical weather, with temperatures between 24 and 30 degrees, and two degrees lower in summer than in winter. There are also differences in climate between the various parts of the island, for example, the northern part is colder than the southern part.

2 Sports:

Whether you are athletics, golf, tennis, football, surfing, fishing, diving or even in the air at an altitude. (Parasailing).

3 – Great Nature and Landscapes:

In terms of nature, scenery or attractions, the Gran Canaria holidays are not in line. There are scalable mountains, volcanoes, deserts, gardens, forests and beaches. They are all waiting in one place to seduce you with their wonderful beautiful combinations.

4- Everything for Everyone:

Whether you are alone or with your family, you will find a wide selection of everything. Everything in Gran Canaria is tailor-made for every taste of humanity. There are beaches of families, nudists and gays. There are so many sports. There are restaurants with Spanish, Chinese, European dishes.

5 Great Attractions:

I guarantee you will never be bored in Gran Canaria. More Gran Canaria Holidays are still getting more attractions and adventures. Or in the sea or in the land, wonderful. You can travel in the mountains like a jeep safari. Take a helicopter or submarine. Visit museums and music shows.

6 – Museums and culture: The capital of Gran Canaria will be selected as the European city of 2016 culture. The government's confident chances not only because it has a UNESCO heritage but also a wide range of museums, stone construction, presentations, clubs and festivals every year and year round. There are many bird watching parks, crocodiles, exotic plants and flowers. Plus great architecture, which is the wow!

7- Health and Health:

hush! I'll tell you. Gran Canaria Aloe Vera is the purest Aloe Vera in the world. Suitable for many medical uses. Gran Canaria offers great wellness and health centers. Refreshing air and the untouched environment heal you from the inside.

8- Adventure and Experience:

Would you like to be in the world record with the biggest fish catch? Yes, this can happen on one of Gran Canaria's holidays. Every day in Puerto de Mogán there is a great adventure race. There are dolphin seals and cruises on vacation. Go climb a mountain or hike in the woods or a camel in the desert.

9- Water experience:

Gran Canaria has the best water parks with many students, some children and more serious for adults. Swimming pool everywhere. You can relax on the beach in the sunshine. Or you can take part in the annual sand sculptures where people perform their artworks on the beach.

10- Large population:

People in Gran Canaria are so kind and friendly. They have great hospitality and most of them speak Spanish and English.

11- The ability to extend freedom to other Canary Islands, Morocco or Spain.

12- Great price changes from cheap to luxury hotels. Never trust those who think that Gran Canaria holidays are expensive. Very good cheap flights can be given to Gran Canaria or deal with you if you only look closely.

13- Currently more than 1.5 million visitors are in early 2010 . These people can not be bad and the more visitors the cheaper the service and the higher the quality.

14- Business Opportunities:

I'm not kidding. There are more than 2.2 million visitors annually, and this is a free-market open-air market that goes to the island every day from one city to another. There must be room to find some businesses or even just 2.2 million potential customers from all over the world. 15- Getting New Skills:

Yes, you are a person who loves learning new things about traveling that you can learn at Gran Canaria Holidays . There are golf courses, PADI diving courses, RYA sailing and fishing courses with practical training and Spanish language courses. In addition, the island has many history, culture and museums to learn easily and uncomfortably.

Source by Aladino Esso

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