Diesel Theft Prevention: Statistics and Methods

Diesel fuel theft has increased in the last decade a direct correlation to the price of oil. The growing demand for energy due to the emerging markets like India, China, Russia and Brazil, as well as the volatile supply chain disruption in the disaster, and civil unrest in oil-producing countries continue to cause the fuel price increases, which in the lucrative market for black market fuel. This has led, since 2008, the financial crisis to a situation where gas oil theft is getting a huge factor in the risk management of the logistics company.

The current crisis in Libya is a good example of how volatile fuel prices. In December 2010, before the civil war, the country is producing an average of 1.6 million barrels per day. During February, since the uprising began initial steam production fell by nearly 400,000 barrels a day, and Gaddafi was legally unable to export. According to the Economist, this only reduced global oil production is only 1%, while the price of oil sharply inflated 15% to $ 120 a barrel. While interesting in itself, it is the study of prices suggests that demand for oil continues to grow, while the volatility of production, causing oil prices to jump erratically. When those prices are rising, fuel, gasoline, diesel oil and also all started to draw attention to criminal organizations and enterprising scammers.

Further illustrating the correlation between the price of gasoline and diesel fuel theft came through TruckPol, United Kingdom -Wide freight crime intelligence agency. They started releasing a report every quarter reported fuel theft statistics show carriers. The analysis of crime data undoubtedly states that the theft of diesel fuel increased. Only the period January 2011 to March 2011, the incidence of fuel theft increased by 18 percent. This trend is correlated with the overall rise in diesel prices in the UK. According to the Freight Transport Association, the cost of diesel in the UK rose to 105.11 pence liter (January 6, 2011) to 112.7 pence (March 23, 2011), which is more than 7 percent.

These statistics only illustrate invasive robbery siphon fuel, the real statistics would be much higher diesel theft usually occurs as a hoax employees involving "skimming excess" more imaginative methods. An interesting method reported by The Times of India presented a scam in which employees loosened the nuts on the fuel tank when the valve is connected to the road passenger and freight trains and let the fuel slowly leaking out of plastic bottles. Or is a more terrible level US military contractors abusing an outdated "pen and paper accounting system sales of diesel on the black market, costing the effort in Afghanistan hundreds of millions of dollars.

What can companies and governments do influx of fraud and theft of vehicles and tanks?

the first step is to support the vehicle. Place closes against gas caps and anti-siphon safety devices for less motivated thieves armed only with a siphon.

the second step is to park your car in protected areas. This is the key to protecting the alien fuel theft. Thieves are much less likely to take the risk of being caught when appropriate around the vehicle lighting and security.

the third step of the training should know that what is a safe place to park and how to respond when a theft occurs. the most important fuels of fraud is to treat employees with respect, pay them well, let them be part of the team of employees. and encourage good performance. A list of appropriate anti-fuel theft techniques can be found on the website of Zurich Insurance, which deals with risk management logistics companies.

While these methods are useful, they are far from complete. The most trouble-free method to protect the fleet to actively accompanied the telematics device at the diesel tanks thereof. It works by integrating advanced vehicle values ​​and location to be checked fleet manager in a secure database. When I checked the fuel tanks, you can prevent diesel theft occurs when the recipient of a message warning that the fuel level decreases. Also easily recognizable by fraudulent employees, registration date and place of a stamp each time the fuel level is increasing or decreasing, objectively informs the occurrence of any discrepancies or fuel level.

Source by Adrian Schnable

What is Mixed Martial (MMA) Arts and influence in the Martial Arts world?

1995 Battlecade president, Rick Blume coined this term in the Mix Martial Arts. This is a combat sport and the techniques and skills in a variety of martial arts and non-martial arts sport. This amalgam of MMA makes it very special. This is grappling and striking techniques.

striking and wrestling is a form of mixed martial arts grappling techniques available and it sports a part of the ancient Olympics. The strategies wrestling is very similar to the modern form of MMA. 1899 is a MMA fighter was held in London, where European and Asian fighting styles combined. It was called Bartistu.

According to the United States, the first MMA tournament held in 1993, some experts continued to develop since then, as in the past 700 years of history. More and more popular every day mostly because of the fact that it is not the only thing, techniques and skills from one type of combat sports. Merging grappling techniques for striking a very important form of martial arts.

There are many positive aspects of MMA. The popular pay per views and showed it to the general public. In this way, people know martial arts. There is an increase audience of the sport, thus making it more popular day by day. The growing popularity of MMAS that is being developed and established on a scientific basis.

Martial arts training methods are now based on science and modern techniques . Everyone usually accept and love the sport of scientific explanation. Therefore, scientific approach can be very useful for us in various ways. This can help to get rid of traditional practices that are not of much use, and there is no scientific explanation. Useless practices are not good and do not harm the body.

There are some negative aspects of the growing popularity of mixed martial arts as well. First, it makes people think that all styles of martial arts violence and has no other use. In fact, the growing popularity of MMA bring drugs into this sport as well. These drugs have a negative effect on the human body and the spirit of the sport usually die using them.

Source by Markku Parviainen

Will Cheaters Come Clean? Why do most is not

Sometimes I get e-mails from folks who know that their partner or spouse, or disappointed, but there is no concrete evidence, and despite the fact that we have to face them, a spouse or partner goes on to deny it offers a lot of excuses, or say to you, that over-zealous or uncertain. Statistically, the majority of spouses with intuition turns out to be right. Many of them instinctively know this, which is why they ask me things like "when I came clean because we both know that he's cheating?" Or "how to persuade, shame, or guilt fessing him a fraud and finally tells the truth? "I'll answer these questions in the following article.

Why the odds are not good that they will not say a private Affair First of all, I have to take this out of the way. There is some infidelity statistic there is a study that shows that only ten percent of cheaters ever admit the truth, and most of the time, so that these recordings that have been caught or after the incident was long over.

Why is this? Well, think about it. Those who cheat have been able to reconcile that act of his own conscience. And they've proven that they want to be actively involved in both relationships. If they wanted a person that cheated more than you wanted, you have been divorced or broke up with you. And if you do not want to be the person that they have been cheated or for you, you can stop the thing. So, you already know that they want both things at once – at least for now. So, knowing this, why they do admit that it is, if this is what makes them enjoyable to stop the charade that they have to go?

The truth is that it is completely unlikely that they think that no one will ever know, and no one needs to get hurt. Why just take this off your chest hurt, end the relationship and allows everything collapses around them? I hear what you think, because thinking about that too: "Because it's true because it's the right thing to do Why is it that both of you are living a lie I deserve to know the truth..?." Yes, I totally do, which leads me to ….

Most families can only confess the truth when they catch them I sometimes get emails from people who say that they actually caught cheating or they have indisputable proof of the spouse red handed, and yet spouse is brazen enough to say things like "it's not what you think." You saw with your own eyes, and yet they also contend that deny what's right in front of you.

Yet, most people do not show enough respect to question the unquestionable. Most people will have no choice but to put the template if you present them with photos, texts, e-mails, display of GPS trackers and video leaves no doubt as to what is happening. And the proof is almost always there, no matter how careful thought went. And you do not need a private investigator to do these things. This is not as difficult as you might think.

Yet, some people simply can not bring themselves to face their loved ones in this way. They would rather find a way to get them to admit to their relationship without an ugly, awkward confrontation. These are ways to do this, but it must be connected, and you have to play this right, so this method works much less frequently.

Another option is to have a mutual friend approaches them on the evidence and demand to fess up because if not, the friend blurt out (of course, they do not know that you already know.)

but it decided to deal with this on you, but in my experience, it is quite rare for a fraudster to clarify their own. Often prompting the need concrete evidence or threat that you will find folded.

Source by Seeta Dean

From Queen Nefertiti from?

Queen Nefertiti is one of the two most famous queen of ancient Egypt, Cleopatra another. Her beauty, revealed her famous limestone portrait busts – the most beautiful masterpieces of Egyptian sculpture – made him known throughout the world. Yet, despite her fame, historians are not unanimous about her origins. It seems to have been a deliberate attempt to ancient Egypt, to erase the memory of its existence due to reasons that will be elaborated in this article.

Nefertiti is a mysterious figure. Some say who he is or who his parents are unknown and that he was just a common man. Others have suggested that she was a Hittite princess or that she was the princess of the neighboring kingdom of Mittani, or the daughter of Ay is one of the leaders of the pharaoh. However, clarifying the matter would help to clarify other important aspects of ancient Egyptian civilization.

One aspect of genetics that seem to have not received the attention it deserves, you can help solve this mystery. This elongated skulls or long-headed heads that many members of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt had. One of the reasons that historians ignored this feature at first because some thought that this is just one element of the stylized art. Some believe that the elongated skull is not an unusual feature and prevail in some African and Nordic tribes. But here, it's not a question of a long skull that some Africans or ancient Norse would have. They are within the limits of normal human variation, although the longer side. Here is a skull shape that goes well beyond the normal human figure, the point is that biologists attribute of rare diseases, some even extraterrestrial sources. Studies have shown that this is a rare occurrence indeed. In some African tribes, such as Mangbetu and binding skull head Long Zande young, but the latter type strain produces a very different effect. In addition, studies Egyptian royal mummies proved conclusively that the royal Egyptian dolichocephalic head is not required as a result, but a genetic family. The skull shape is so pronounced that many initially thought that it was just an artistic feature until the actual mummies of these skulls were discovered. Some modern practitioners assumed that this could be as a result of deforming the rare disease. However, it is also excluded as the shared properties of family heritage. Research work by David Childress in Peru, Adriano Forgione in Malta and Andrew Collins (Andrew Collins Gods of Eden in London.. Headline Book, issued 1998th) led to greater knowledge of elongated skulls. The first is that this is a rare disorder that we have found since ancient times in other parts of the world. If they have the elongated skull belong to a certain race, which is now extinct it can not be said with certainty. Such skulls have been discovered not only in Egypt but also in Peru, Malta and the Mittani belt in Northern Iraq and Syria, and now it seems these skulls that have been associated with the royal or priestly classes. Except for Peru the other four locations in close geographical proximity therefore the possibility that all of them arise from the same genetic source could not be ruled out. The genetic source of the Peru skulls are the same, since there does not seem to be an old world origin of American civilizations.

Nefertiti was one such skull, and so the opportunity for him to become a commoner likely. The second speculation that she was a Hittite princess is out of the question with reference to available historical records. Rather, he seems Mittani king's daughter Princess Mittani Dashrath. The confusion has arisen because of the historical records of the Mittani would occasionally confused with Hittites. Both Hittites and Mittani belongs to the Indo-Aryan languages ​​species.

were people of Mitanni Aryan descent, who ruled a vast kingdom largely Hurrian population in West Asia in the second millennium, a short historical periods, ie sometime after the 1500th It was led by a warrior aristocracy feudal state, which seems to have been the women in the royal men with horse and chariot racing and warfare. This training was provided in case you might have to make a decision intended when widowed. Such accounts can be found in the Puranas and Vedas, the ancient historical records of the community that the Mittani belonged to kings as well. The Rig Veda, the ancient scriptures of the rulers Mittani tells the story of a warrior queen Vishpla who lost a leg in battle, was fitted with iron prosthesis and returned to the battle. The Mittani kingdom in Syria was a stranger, and a short one lasting about 150 years. During the short reign has been established relationship with Egypt has left a significant mark in history. This is a mutually beneficial alliance, which made the Mittani to continue in foreign surroundings and provided a buffer against the Egyptians Hittite invasions. The kingdom of Mittani eventually weakened Hittites and returned to Syria around 1330 BC.

While they dominated the area, developed in-house close to the Royal Mittani peaceful relations with western neighbors, the house of the Egyptian royal marriages, as well as financial, military and religious associations. It has not been for some time as a family. It seems that there was some association between the priestly class as well. The daughter of King Thutmose IV Artatama married Akhenaten's grandfather. Son, Holy Shuttarna sent the early fourteenth century, married the daughter of Pharaoh in Egypt Kiluhepa Amenhotp III. And the king's daughter Dasharatha son Shuttarna, Tadukhipa Princess became the Queen of Akhenaten. and introduced horses and chariots of the Egyptian pharaohs in Egypt because of the relationship with the Mittanis.

The Amarna archaeological findings shed light on the relationship between the two royal families. In a letter to one of the Amarna written to Akhenaten's mother, Tiye, my sister, the king of Mitanni complains that Akhenaten has not sent gifts to his father promised, "I asked your husband for statues of solid cast gold, but his son sent a gilded statues wood. gold and dirt of the son of the country, why were they the source of such distress to your son that he did not give them to me? this is love? "Dushrath wrote instead Tiye Pharaoh himself, because it is much more comfortable writing to his sister as the king. The letter is hardly a diplomatic or royal letter. This is a family communication.

The origin of queen Tiye, Nefertiti as that is shrouded in controversy. It is quite possible that priests did not approve of the Egyptian family connection Mittanis. They had good reason. First of all was the introduction of foreign gods and orthodox customs to Egypt as a result of these foreign queens. Queen Tiye too has been recognized for her unorthodoxy like Nefertiti. Historians, however, admitted that it seems that the relationship between Tiye and Nefertiti. Volt. Tiye was Nefertiti's aunt – the sister of his father Dashrath. The Amarna letters show the close family ties Dashrath and Tiye. Another reason for the discomfort of the clergy was that before the emergence of the Mittanis bride priestly clan often delivered to the pharaohs. This helped them to maintain their power in Egypt, but this new source of royal brides have been the source of much anguish to the priestly clan. You might reply, claiming that the new brides were not royal but a common tribal source, managed to capture the neighboring kingdom. The latter resulted from assumptions that are not familiar with Mittani royal roots, the history of which perhaps longer than even the Egyptian civilization as sacred texts, the Vedas.

Some historians have claimed that Tiye was the daughter Yuaa, mother of a priest Mittani frequency Tuaa was the royal descent of the royal family Mittani. If the latter is the case, then it would be Tiye a cousin of King Dasharath blood sister instead. However, the entire communication between informality and Tiye Dasharath with historical records indicating that the Mittani kings had provided the Egyptian pharaohs, queens of their daughter suggests that Tiye was a blood brother Dashrath, the Mittani Princess Kiluhepa. In both cases, the Mittani royal origin of Tiye and by extension that of Nefertiti seems little doubt. Both bore resemblance as it turned out, his own sculptures. Physical resemblance to the relatives of the Egyptian population Mittani and it seems that inbreeding has intensified to the point that even Nefertiti and her husband were remarkably alike. Compared with people of other races, Akhinaten a feminine and some suggested that there was no sexual organs, because the naked statue presented to him without him. Akhinaten father of many children and there is no statue of reproductive organs are more likely as a result of modesty. The ancient Egyptians were not open to male nudity as the Greeks were the future of civilization. In reality Akhinaten may very well hung. However, there is a possibility that the sex chromosomes were XXY XY instead, the result of inbreeding. The possibility therefore arises because However, speculation that the elongated skull primarily borrowed by a feature on the X chromosome, and that the presence of males probably just an extra X be a confirmation of this last hypothesis wait for further developments in genetic science.

Betsy Bryan, a professor of Egyptian art and archeology at Johns Hopkins, found a statue of Tiye, mother of Akhinaten, the temple of Mut. When the statue was removed it revealed itself as a queen of Amenhotep III, whose name appears several times in the statue's crown. Schwappach-Shirriff curator of the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in California, told Discovery News that significant that the statue was found buried in the church. "This shows that he was indeed strong religious ties, they found a church," he explained. Women at that time did not serve as priestesses, but both Bryan and Schwappach-Shirriff think the evidence emerging, such as this statue indicates that at least some women may have been more central to certain Egyptian religions than previously thought. This new role of women in Egypt is likely due to the fact that the foreign origin of Mittani queens.

The Mittani royal family seems to be the source from which elongated skulls arrived in the Egyptian royal family. Thutmose III Thutmose IV's grandfather Akhinaten had no such skull as it turned out, the statues, Luxor and Cairo Museums but his grandmother Queen Mutemwiya, King Thutmose IV Grand Royal spouse and daughter of the royal Artatama, Kings Mittani probably yes. The Mittani Egyptian queens were given new names after marriage that the pharaohs. The name change is that the Pharaohs had more than one wife led to confusion as to which is which. Add to this the propaganda spread by the priests, who are the main scribes obscured by time and history becomes certain. Akhinaten Pharaoh, who had a very elongated head, HAVE this property is the father, mother or grandmother. His daughters and his son Tutankhamen had Kaponya well. There was a significant inbreeding in the royal family, and it tends to be a genetic trait. The elongated skull is probably a common feature of the Egyptian royal household and Mittani, and this would have led them to believe it was a family. Akhinaten had two wives Kiya and Nefretiti and scientists are not sure which of the two is the Mittani Princess. However, if one were to go to the elongated skull, it must Nefretiti who Mittani princess. Add to this the fact that he is a warrior queen who has been shown to participate in chariot races and wielding weapons. It was a typical Queen of Egypt. He was seen in prominent positions Amarna art, and can not see the warlike position of the Pharaoh – seizing prisoners hair and breaking the skull with a mace. ancient social order maintained by ruthless punishments. This is very unlike Egyptian princesses but not unexpected Mittani the Aryan one.

In the old days it was not uncommon for queens and princesses personal nurse who left the princesses to adulthood often accompany them to a new home after marriage. The nurse often played the role of a surrogate mother if the real mother was not available. If you are a princess come to the kingdom of Mittani, it is expected that she not be sent alone to a foreign country, but with a personal maids and nurses. This is the least royal father do when sending his daughter to another country. Would such an accompanying nurse Akhineten Mittani the wife of Egypt? A lady in the palace claim that nurse. He was the boilers, he never claimed to be the Queen Mother, but do not claim to nurse. Boilers have also been known to marry their daughter was born Mutnodmjet a prominent Egyptian Aye. Nefertiti would have been regarded as the daughter of the boiler in a brotherly manner and an inscription reading "Mutnedjmet, then he is living Re forever, sister of the King's Great Wife is therefore clear that Nefertiti looked at her nanny's daughter sister There is also no doubt that it was Mutnedjmet.. Aye's daughter, because there are outstanding representations of the two together. the fact that Nefertiti was a personal nurse, who is well known in Egypt, it is also evidence against him to be a common or unknown background. If it was alleged that some of Nefertiti background is not known, despite the fact that the nurse is still present as the wife of a prominent personality indicates that a deliberate attempt was made to ignore Nefertiti background. Aye became pharaoh in a later, after the death of the last heir of the eighteenth . dynasty

there are other bits of evidence that support the theory that Nefertiti was Mittani Princess Nefertiti. beauty, who came to report the princess away. During the reign of the Aryan Akhinaten probably influenced his mother and his wife tried to create a new religion, the monotheistic worship of the sun symbol of the power of God to the priesthood in complete shock. This experiment resulted in open rebellion of the priestly class.

a striking resemblance to the portraits of Nefertiti and her husband exchanged a few young researchers suggests that he was half or even a full brother. Brother and sister marriages were common in Egypt. But we know that the historical records that this was not the case. Rather, if it was the princess daughter Dushratta and would aunt of the mother and grandmother of the brother of the grandmother of the king, the connection is even closer than cousins, and there would be nothing special about that resemble each other like brother and sister.

their reign was brief. Akhinaten ruled only 17 years old and a few years after his death in 1336 BC, Neferititi died, apparently killed, struck back in an unguarded moment. Tut ruled for about ten years before his death in 1322 BC, the Egyptian vizier Yes, perhaps the de facto ruler, King Tut initially as a puppet on the throne. As Tut grew up it is likely that he, like his father, was beginning to have ideas of their own. He mentors especially Yeah, she could not bear another heretical by organized murder and poisoning or other device. Aye is portrayed as a man who had a fatherly way Nefertiti, but this is just a cunning front that Aye hold the foot in the palace. Aye proclaimed herself pharaoh after the death of Tut since no other heirs remained. He is a shadowy figure who might be organized at the end of the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt in order to gain power. He died within three years from 1319. A commoner Horemheb followed Aye to the throne and reigned for 27 years, obliterating every record of Nefertiti and Akhenaten that he could. The old orthodoxy was restored. Akhenaten's enemies soon smashed statues, demolished temples and started to erase all memory of him and Nefertiti from Egypt historical record. In the eighteenth Egyptian dynasty ended with King Tut. Two other outside rulers – Yes, and Horemheb are shown grouped in the absence of the eighteenth dynasty for better placement.

Archives can be found in the Hittite capital of Hattusa in Anatolia indicate that Nefrititi wrote a desperate letter to the king Hittite says that her husband is dead and begged her to send him one of his sons that he had not been, that marries the "slave". and who will rule Egypt as the king. The letter indicated that Neferititi maintained reigns in power as long as he lived. An Egyptian princess was more likely to seek closer alliance. It is also a written proof that the eighteenth dynasty regarded themselves as a class, except that the other Egyptians in the past as a slave class and believed in marrying within royalty rather than outside it. If Nefertiti is indeed a common Egyptian origin than such a statement is likely it. The Hittite king obliged to send his son, but down and killed on the border, resulting in a bloody war with the son of way. This indicates that the plane was held in the palace at the time. There was little except Aye could be the secret communication. Only Mittani princess would have dared to write that the Hittite king will be a proposal of marriage and only an insider like Aye know.

Nefertiti did not behave like a commoner or a person anything less than the royal family from the start. He directed the Akhinaten side while he was alive and after his death Aton added to the suffix to his name, decorated men's clothes and took over the kingdom as a Pharaoh true to the tradition of Vedic Aryans. The royal heirs Smenkhkare and Tutankhamen were too young to become kings right away, but it is likely to be regarded orthodoxy as the real Pharaohs. Historians are not sure whether Tutankhamun was the son of Queen Nefertiti or Kiya but it was probably the latter, because one of Nefertiti's daughter was married to Tutankhamun and it seems reasonable that half-brothers. Both Smenkhkare and Tutankhamun had a royal skull. Tut was both a son and son-in-law Nefertiti.

There is no evidence of any historical records show that Nefertiti was not Mittani princess, and as long as he lived, he ruled like a warrior queen fighters loyal to his race descended. The Pharaohs of Egypt to a divine suffix to their name. The suffix declared them as representatives of the Divine God that has become part of their name. Like a princess Tadukhipa Queen Nefertiti and adopted the name Nefretari, "the beautiful one has arrived." As a Pharaoh she changed her name to NeferNeferaten – a beautiful, beautiful is one of the Sun God. "Over the last few years of his hidden tomb and damaged mummy was discovered in the Valley of the Kings, to restore the recognition he deserved. The present study restores the recognition of his origins in ancient Egyptian scribes tried so hard to erase the Egyptian monuments. The experiments were understandable. he was a foreigner and an equal partner young husband trying to destroy the ancient religion of Egypt and replace it with a new one. it is hoped that this study will contribute to the restoration of its rightful place in the history of human civilization.

Source by Ashok Malhotra

There are concerns about high blood pressure Birth control?

Birth control high blood pressure symptoms can be a problem for women with certain types of hormonal contraceptives. The two methods of birth control are at the greatest risk involves the contraceptive pill and the contraceptive patch.

However, not all women who use these methods of contraception to experience high blood pressure, as there are many factors involved that generally determine the degree of risk each woman faces.

However, the reason that the hormonal contraception is no risk of high blood pressure, because these contraceptives comprising progestins. Progesterone is a type of medicine if that reflects the activity of the hormone progesterone, which occurs naturally in the female body.

This is common progesterone slightly raise blood pressure in most women who have hormonal contraceptive, and it is the cause of high blood pressure, if it occurs.

risk contraceptives cause high blood pressure grow on the basis of a woman by the following factors:

 Age – As a woman's age (usually medium 35 and older), her chances of developing high blood pressure to rise.

 Duration of use – the longer a woman uses the pill or patch, the greater the chances of the formation of high blood pressure.

 existing status – women who have previously experienced episodes of consistent high blood pressure, even only if it was during pregnancy are at greater risk.

 Family history – Women who have a family history of high blood pressure may be at greater risk.

 Obesity – a woman who is overweight at higher risk of developing high blood pressure.

hormonal contraception is a most convenient and efficient methods of contraception, but the fact that the high blood pressure occurs 2 to 3 times more often in women who hormonal contraceptives such as those using other methods.

Therefore, if you take the pill or the patch – regardless if you have any of these risk factors are increased or not – that your doctor will check your blood pressure every year.

If you realize you have high blood pressure, stop taking hormonal contraceptives and other birth control methods to find it. Once the pill or the patch, your blood pressure will return to normal operation within 3-6 months.

Keep in mind that although it may take hormonal methods of birth control if you have high blood pressure is controlled medication, you need to have closely monitored the blood pressure of a doctor. However, it is highly recommended to anyone who is or has a higher risk of developing high blood pressure, use other contraceptive methods.

The following safe methods of contraception, which is not a woman's risk of hypertension

 Barrier methods of contraception – condoms, diaphragms, sponges, cervical caps. The above methods are disposed of after intercourse.

 Birth control injection – via Depoprovera a shot which is a synthetic progestin (different from the pill and patch) administered a needle every three months. Depoprovera a long-term method of contraception.

 Birth control implant – Norplant is a progestin capsule which is inserted into the upper arm and lasts for five years. The intrauterine device (intrauterine device) is a T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus (and may last a year or 10 years, depending on type) and is very effective in preventing pregnancy. The IUD is recommended for women who have a long-term monogamous relationship.

Note that although the above has no direct effect on high blood pressure, shots and implants do not cause side effects, and none of use of the above methods (including the pill and patch), with the exception of condoms to prevent the transmission of STD's (sexually transmitted diseases). Therefore, be sure to discuss your birth control options your healthcare provider if your birth control high blood pressure risk factors for you.

Source by Paul J Johnson

Shiatsu Massage Therapy – How is Shiatsu Different from Modern Western Massage?

There is common ground between Shiatsu and Western massage. Both systems have a wonderful way of relieving stress and promoting health and focus on the body of the person being treated. Moreover, neither the diagnosis and implementation of a sophisticated system for all electronic or mechanical equipment management. The third common ground is that both Shiatsu massage and list most of the Western world to remain outside the bastion of Western medicine, which is based on the current mainstream Western scientific tradition. outside Japan both Shiatsu and Western massage outfields share of non-conventional treatment or alternative medicine healer, Reiki, hypnosis or Crystal Healing.

Shiatsu practitioners tend to distance themselves from the bandwagon of alternative treatment methods like Reiki or faith healing demonstrating their usage of anatomy, physiology and pathology in the same vein as the Western medicine. This may be one explanation for the high popularity of Shiatsu west bridge between the West and the East.

When discovering the differences between Shiatsu and Western massage, we notice four main differences.

  1. The history of the development of treatments.
  2. method is used, and treatment components.
  3. approach to the philosophy and the essence of what every doctor is trying to capture.
  4. The nature of derivative systems have evolved.

Body massage may be one of the oldest forms of medical care known to man. Although you might not know what the ancient Egyptian practitioners actually believed in Egyptian tomb paintings show people massaged. A Chinese book in 2700 BC, The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine recommends massage of skin and flesh as the appropriate treatment of many diseases. Ayurveda, the 5,000 year-old traditional Indian system of medicine, greatly emphasizes the therapeutic benefits of massage with aromatic oils and spices. Writing in the 8th century BC, Homer of Greece mentions massage is commonly used for Olympic athletes as well as in use today.

1. The history and development of shiatsu

Although the earliest modern reference to the term Shiatsu is a Japanese publication of the 1915 book, Shiatsu Ryoho wrote Tenpaku Tamai, the Namikoshi Tokujiro (1905-2000) followers takes him to the founder of shiatsu. His approach was completely different to the Chinese meridians and qi-based therapies. Namikoshi in 1912 at the age of seven independently developed a technique of pressing with your thumb and palms as he tried to nurse his mother who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. Namikoshi Shiatsu influence can be compared to the role of Picasso's art, it is not only important to create a genre, but has inspired many other artists derived therapies.

Tokujiro Namikoshi opened his first clinic perfected using Shiatsu Therapy in 1925 from Hokkaido in the system. In addition to founding in 1940, the first school of shiatsu therapy in Tokyo (now known as Japan Shiatsu College), Namikoshi attended the legalization of Shiatsu in Japan which accounts for the emphasis on Western medical theories. Namikoshi achieved fame and many high-ranking persons successfully treated, such as the former Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida in Japan. As the reputation of foreign celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe and Muhammad Ali sought treatment. Currently in Japan, Namikoshi system enjoys special status. After eight years of clinical testing dates ranging from 1947 to determine which of 300 treatments can be legalized, the Ministry of Health of Japan acknowledged Shiatsu Therapy, as they have proved effective. Shiatsu Anma has been the same category in 1955 and Western massage

1964 self-acknowledged Shiatsu Therapy alone in Japan. Everyone shiatsu practitioner must obtain permission from the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare. Licensing also requires that Shiatsu practitioners study the 2500-hour training program on the Shiatsu therapy, which is permitted by about three years of university or college of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and pass the national exam.

second and techniques used in the treatment of the components

The second difference between Shiatsu and Western massage techniques and the use of ingredients such as oil and spices. Shiatsu technique relies on finger and palm pressure, while in the western massage rubbing motion. Since Shiatsu does not involve rubbing, no oil or lotion once during treatment.

3. Philosophy of Western Massage and Shiatsu

The third and most important difference comes from the philosophy of western massage and shiatsu.

The main difference between Shiatsu and other modern Western forms of bodywork, such as the Swedish massage, the Shiatsu is a form of holistic healing while modern Western massage is based on the traditional Western view of wellness and healing. Western massage generally believes the human body is the domain of the masseur, while the mind is the domain of psychology and psychiatry. Adapting a holistic approach, Shiatsu regulates the nervous system and promotes natural healing stimulates chemical reactions in the body.

Western massage is based on the idea that muscle tension and improper settings can cause or aggravate physical, mental and internal imbalances. Massage techniques to try to reduce tension in the body to facilitate the free flow of blood and energy. This in turn makes the major systems of the body (immune, circulatory, nervous, etc.) to improve its ability to naturally heal diseases and the health and well-being.

Shiatsu, there are 838 basic shiatsu pressure points or attention in Japan is located in the muscles, nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, bones and endocrine glands. Depending on your condition, your body, the therapist the right kind of pressure. The tighter the muscles, the lighter the pressure. As the muscles relax, the pressure will be greater, but still strong and steady. This causes the release of hormones and chemicals necessary for the body to heal, to soothe and make you mind and body optimally. This method of triggering their own healing system of the body does not produce side effects or toxins, so it's a perfectly healthy way to relief diseases.

looked casually from a distance Shiatsu whole-body diagrams, graphs confused Qi or meridians used in Chinese medicine. But Namikoshi shiatsu practitioner quick to point out that Namikoshi style of Shiatsu focuses only on regions and physiology, but the energy channels / paths / meridians of the anatomy. Shiatsu works the entire body (including doing stretches).

4. Derivative treatments

The difference between the final area Shiatsu and Western massage to the derived products. Derivative Shiatsu refers generally to other current styles of shiatsu, Namikoshi shiatsu, after which developed as the Meridian Shiatsu, Zen Shiatsu, Tao shiatsu, Tsubo Shiatsu, Quantum Ohashiatsu and shiatsu. Japanese Ministry recognized by one of these derivative styles of Health and Welfare.

a Western massage in many styles and techniques, which focus on specific areas of the body (eg, deep tissue massage, Tendo-muscular massage, head massage, etc.). However, the Western massage broadly grouped into three camps, sports massages, well-being massage and erotic massage. Sports massage is designed to the athlete in training, and provide excellent performance. With a certain type of mood candles, colors, incense and music is very important to the prosperity and erotic massage, but almost completely absent in sports massage. The camp of well-being massage displays the widest divergence of different forms of derivatives, such as reflexology and aromatherapy deep tissue massage.


Sensual massage or erotic massage is a derivative of traditional massage for centuries in all parts of the world, but it is not sensuous and erotic shiatsu therapy to date.

Shiatsu and Western massage have common ground, but much theory, philosophy and practice. However, despite the differences, the purpose of both systems is the same – a balanced, happy and healthy individuals.


  • Tokujiro Namikoshi Japanese Shiatsu Finger pressure therapy . Japanese edition – (1974)
  • Tokujiro Namikoshi SHIATSU; Health and vitality hand Japanese edition – (1971)
  • The Canadian College of Shiatsu Therapy
  • The Shiatsupractor Association of Canada

Source by Francis Gamache

Permanent Birth Control Options

Many women choose to participate permanent birth control procedure, while this method has become a medical necessity for many others. Permanent birth control can be achieved by a variety of effective methods these days. One such popular method is the tubal ligation, a woman can be sterilized by concluding, at the end of a clipping or burning the fallopian tubes.

Any of the above mentioned methods can help prevent the egg from entering the uterus, where fertilization takes place. Sterilization through this method is known as electro-cauterization. In earlier days, this procedure even through the vagina of a woman and sometimes it took several months to completely recover from the procedure.

There are more alternative methods for tubal ligation. Tubal itself carries three different methods. Within two days a woman has a baby, the procedure called minilaparotomy which lasts 20 minutes, is performed. This is not regarded as major surgery, and the patient is usually done under local anesthesia. This method of sterilization has been possible for many years women over oral contraceptives.

Laparoscopic management of the second type of tubal ligation. A small incision is made in the abdominal area, and a small amount of carbon dioxide is inside. This procedure is performed by experienced surgeons only, it requires the use of certain special surgical instruments. The whole procedure takes only ten minutes and the patient is healed very quickly without complications.

laser or other electronic device, the fallopian tubes are fused together and trimmed tracks. Laparoscopy is a third type of tubal sterilization, often within a short time after the Caesarean section. Since the fallopian tubes can be seen after the birth, the surgeon can perform the procedure immediately free more space and freedom.

There are other permanent birth control methods that practiced and hysteroscopic sterilization is one such method that is mostly out-patients. The vagina of the woman, a small tube is inserted into the opening of the fallopian tube, thereby blocking the tube and prevent the possibility of pregnancy. After recovery period, this procedure is approximately 24 hours, and no risk of any adverse reactions. The position of the inserted tube X-ray imaging checked several months after the procedure. Another popular sterilization procedure "Let 'which includes non-surgery, laser treatments or altering the fallopian tubes.

Furthermore, this procedure does not require anesthesia or hormonal shots and has proved almost cent percent success. Silicon free inserts are placed in the fallopian tubes to block the path of the egg into the uterus. The procedure takes only ten minutes, and performed by the doctor's clinic easily. Experienced and trained doctors should be consulted before you go to the procedure. In ancient times, there rarely was a woman who wanted to be sterilized.

The only way to avoid pregnancy that followed was abstinence. In contrast, a modern women can choose any suitable method of permanent sterilization. For a long time, tubal ligation was considered as the only choice for many women. But the development of medical technologies, today there are so many methods used to achieve permanent sterilization of women and the freedom to choose a method that suits them best.

Source by Katrina Polder

Wogging health and weight loss

If you hate exercise, you are not alone. But instead of giving up the practice, as most people try wogging. Wogging fun. Wogging healthy. And wogging a great way to lose weight.

Wogging a time is a practice that combines the best of two worlds: walking and running. Wogging removes a lot of fat in the body. Wogging companies in the lines, and it feels absolutely wonderful. In fact, if wogging ready to extend a systematic and regular basis since his life for years.

is generally accepted that there is no better exercise your body (and your mind!), Such as walking. But if you walk just burn about 260 calories per hour. It's fun, but it is as effective as other practices.

On the other hand, if you jog, you'll burn about 600 calories per hour. But jogging strenuous, monotonous, and because it is a high-impact activity, prone to cause injuries to the back, knees and ankles.


In short, enjoyable and safe walking and jogging boring can lead to injury.

Given that most dieters hate to see anything that is not fun, consistently avoided jogging. And miss the opportunity to burn calories.

If avoiders class of jogging, then wogging the answer for you.

There are two ways Wog. There is the constant and variable wog wog.

When this constant wog, you walk a little like Racewalkers do. (If you would like to review the technique, a lot of helpful videos on You Tube) You use the movement of the foot race walker, but you can swing your arms like a Nordic Walker (once again review the prior You Tube). Unlike Racewalker, his feet leave the ground. It involves the whole body, and burn a lot of calories.

When this variable wog only change the speed of movement at times. You go for a while, you walk a little, then jog for a bit and then continued wog a while. You get to feel good while exercising.

actually changing wogging a lot of fun. He does not bore yourself to a monotonous routine.

and having fun is important when exercising. The more fun you have, the more likely you will continue your fitness program.

When it comes down to, wogging gives you the best of worlds, walking and running. It burns around 520 calories per hour, so you can avoid the injuries that come with running, you get to enjoy the scenery and improves the body's condition.

If you have not tried wogging, the next time that you are wearing shoes, start with a continuous wog and go from there.

may make it a more effective and fun than you might think.

Source by Gary Granai

Birth Control Side Effects Tablets

Birth control pills are commonly used today in order to control family size and the ability to raise the child effectively. The notions of old age is outdated larger families, as many people tend to prefer only one or two children. In order to control the birth, women are used in many forms of birth control methods that are the most common birth control pill. However, contraceptive side-effects sometimes quite unknown in these women.

Some side effects that need to be monitored, and the particular use were headache, nausea, bleeding in different periods, decreased libido and tenderness of the breasts. The pills basically operate to estrogen, which allows one to not conceive a child. However, this effect of estrogen may be harmful to a woman's health as it tends to increase the chances of blood clots, as emboli and thus heart problems in women. Women, especially those who smoke and use alcohol to a further increased risk of high blood pressure, heart problems, and even face the consequences of mercy such as emboli due to stroke.

Other than this, contraceptive side effects severe migraine attacks and a greater risk of developing breast cancer. These tablets tend to induce increased mutations and thus quite dangerous for even those who already have breast cancer.

Since such tablets tend to change the level of hormones in the body, they tend to certain endocrine effects. The hormones in the body is altered, which can also cause lethargy and depression for many women. Many women do not feel like continuing sexual relationships as a result of the effect of these pills. A lot of research has been done on the safety and other aspects regarding birth control pills. He also noted that due to the effects of changing hormones after these pills, women are also prone to problems breastfeeding childbirth. They tend to produce less milk because of the hormonal changes the effects of the pills. Many women find it difficult to conceive a child after discontinuation of these pills than the effect of chemicals, hormones continue to have a good time.

Some women also feel the change in the metabolic patterns in the body and tend to gain weight, increased appetite and increased desire for food, because the pills.

Although some permanent hormonal effects, oral contraceptives is known to be one of the most secure contraceptive methods. However, the need to have proper consultation and guidance of your doctor before taking any contraceptive pill.

Source by Melanie Wade

Man Anunnaki – Are We the descendants of an alien race?

For many years I have heard stories of an alien race descending the Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago, I'm sure that there .. .and I have mixed opinions on the subject. In fact, maybe he even rolled his eyes a little. But I was young then, and rather vague on the subject of aliens. He said that now wondering myself if this is true – and wanted to share with you, that you may be a miracle too.

"There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came to the daughters of men and bare children to them, the same became mighty men which are old, renowned people." Deuteronomy 6 4

As the story goes, about 450,000 years ago, a planet outside our solar system called Nibiru or planet X "dead" or had a serious accident which forced the residents to flee for their lives. One might feel some empathy for these guys until next revealed: this species is exceptionally intelligent "super-beings who dabbled in bio-medical, genetic and technological secrets, and who, despite physical" gold Nordic & # 39; beauty and fascinating (giant) height, were renowned for being excessively arrogant, autocratic, cannibalistic and sexually perverted. the potential reputation can be described in one word: bad.

due to advanced technological knowledge, these creatures have been successful planet's board considered the escaping death several spacecraft, and set out to establish colonies on suitable planets, including our own and Mars (which supposedly proves the D & M Pyramid) . In the event that the Anunnaki beat the existing land dwellers, or APEM, enslaved them and used them as a constant theme in their genetic experiments … so change the man, while the number of slaves.

At some point, this species was forced to flee Earth – the reasons cited vary – but came back, although many years later, when they were appalled by the advanced state of culture and society and the success of the "remnants "means" small "half-blood Anunnaki, who was left behind.

Determined to restore the supremacy and keep the Earth and its inhabitants, we recommend that you use the sound system, Anunnaki caused massive flooding, thereby eliminating many developed cities and leaving only a huge architectural monuments such aa Sphinx and the Pyramids relatively intact. The fact that the remaining pockets of insurgency (like the Maya, Inca, Aztec and Egyptian culture) would increase the overwhelming opposition of the Anunnaki quickly chose a new fort, which cast all the knowledge and technology. This site was chosen Sumeria (ironically, the birthplace of the ancient Chaldean numerology its own study) which, when translated, refers to the "land of the (local nobility) lords." The "gentlemen"? How strange is this?

This theory may seem strange to some, but it seems to explain a lot. If it's just a bunch of gibberish, what remains of the old questions and a new pair.

Why is it that the ancient people had such fixation who descended from the sky or the stars … and looked at them as gods? Why many old inscriptions depict the helicopter type spaceships and big males with wings or a helmet? Will the genetic manipulation of the Anunnaki explains the half-human, half-animal monstrosities ancient mythology? And how the hell they are moving tons of rock to build the pyramids? Stonehedge? Easter Islands? Why can not we repeat the process today? Exactly how the Nazca Lines were formed when people were not yet in the air and did not see what they are doing? And what was the point of all that?

How is it that the Sumerians, while recognized as the first "civilization", is so advanced? Soon after the first civilizations are usually quite simple, and just a lot of progress in a hundred years? Why is it that in Sumeria recognized as a rather sudden and unexpected birthplace developed language, numbers, geometry, mathematics, astrology, law, usury / monetary, kitchenware, health, homeopathy, art and social structures? How is this possible?

Why is the name of Anunnaki, Sumerian? And anyone else find it odd that the translation is "those who came down from heaven to earth? And why is a derivative of the word, together with a description, mentioned in the Bible?

" And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which coming out of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their eyes. "Numbers 13:33.

If we accept this story as true, it would be in the conclusion that there are direct and indirect descendants of the Anunnaki throughout the Earth! And to a certain position would be ultimate control. Probably waiting for the return of the master, while promoting the introduction of a "new world order", as some people believe … I find curious and somewhat ominous that many presidents including Bush and Obama, as well as the powerful politicians around the world now use the term loosely and often:..!. what was once seen as a threat gradually integrated into the human psyche

If this is true, it is possible that a foreign Heck, maybe an alien Hmm that would explain a lot of it


Heather Lagan


Source by Heather Lagan