How to find relevant keywords on your site

If you want to display your site on the top pages of the search list, you'll need to find the keywords that are most relevant to your site. Apart from your own imagination, there are three ways to get to know your keywords.

Learn about your competitors

This is the easiest way to find the most important keywords. Go to a search engine and search for websites that have the same section as yours or look for the term that you believe people visit your site.

Open the web site above and leave the homepage. Then click "View" on the browser bar and click "Source" or "Source Source" or right-click the page and click & # 39; Source & # 39; This will reveal the full HTML used to build the Web page, including all keywords. Some of these keywords will be relevant to your site. Make a list of these keywords. Now, visit the other site and look for more.

Blogging and web 2.0 websites are keywords that are called tags. Blogs would show a list of tags in the sidebar or in blog posts.

Pay Per Click Tools

Different click-through payouts help you see how popular your keyword is. Competition for your keyword can be found based on your bidding price and number of searches on Google AdWords and Yahoo. Here is the link to the Yahoo tool that is very famous among marketers.

You also need to open an Adwords account with Google AdWords.

Special Tools

A number of websites provide keyword service for a fee. The best of these is This is rather expensive, but it is quite rewarding. lets you compare your two keywords and show which one is more popular.

When creating a list of keywords, you should also consider the basic keywords that people can use. For example, instead of "Home-Business", a user is more likely to look for home business. Keywords are often ignored, so if you do well, you can increase your chances for the highest placement.

It's always a good idea to use more than one method to start keyword search. All of these methods must be able to finally put on a comprehensive list of keywords that you can use on your site.

Source by Arun Pal Singh

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