Do this summer for your best family vacation

In the summer, the time will come to fill the kids in the car and go to the dream destination. Any trip, either a week or a day out, will be much more enjoyable if you plan ahead. Here are some quick tips for traveling with children.

# 1 Create a budget. Engage the whole family in saving your trip. Help your children understand that they need their jobs and rescue goals. Stay within your financial limits.

# 2 Decide the destination and then make a list of things. Contribute to all family members. While the ultimate choice is for adults, try to include lists of individual children. This will be a special part of the journey for everyone.
Use guides, newspapers, as a source.

Check out your city's discovery. Daily excursions and weekend excursions offer great opportunities.

# 3 Have children help prepare for the journey. Create a checklist for my business.

Arranging for animal and plant care; Stop the newspaper and the letter.

Pack an emergency wagon set with flashlight, jumper cable, first aid kit, washbasins, and paper towels.

Packing pads for car, water packs, snacks, clipboards, games, music and games.

Pre-addressing and printing postcards for postcards. Buy stamps.

Be ready to catch summer memories. Give each child a disposable camera. Make sure to type your name on top.

# 4 Learn the places where you will travel. Highlight your travel path on a map. Make a "Travel Strip". Use a coil that adds the ribbon in order, grandmother's home, various landmarks, cities, rivers, and hotels. As you progress each milestone, highlight it until you reach the destination.

# 5 There are various games and games in your hand. "Are we There Yet?" Usually, it means that it's time to switch to a new activity. Eliminate travel on small segments. Play in the alphabet game (find the object starting with each letter of the alphabet) or the license plate game (find one from each state.) Timeless toys such as crow bats and cat pats are a great way to pass the time. Pull out the map or the "Travel Strip" to let your children have visual insights on how far they've traveled.

# 6 Stop in a park or get out of the car. Allow the kids to run. Go for a walk or enjoy the road picnic. Play ball.

# 7 Changes in time zones and changes in the schedule are difficult for everyone, but especially for toddlers. Children may be the most moody if they regularly take meals and sleep time and leave time. Try to maintain the standard system.

# 8 Slow down. Take it easy. Remember this is your vacation. It's important that you enjoy your time together as a family like everyone on the list.

# 9 Since you probably have less space than usual at home, remember not to do it all together. Not everyone will have the same interest as attention. It's better to break into smaller groups.

# 10 Create a travel journal every night. Collect postcards, napkins and reception sticks in the cash registers. And do not forget to send some of these postcards to family and friends.

1. Prints the full form of the form without any change

2. Includes an active link

3. Publishes a polite copy of your publication to the above contact person

4. The following bottom line appears at the bottom of each article:

About the Author: Rondi Hillstrom Davis is the co-author of the award-winning book: Creating Family Creation. To see your site get stuck with family ideas, visit the following page:

Source by Rondi Davis

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