Emotion – Being of Being and the Key of

I usually spend two time in two places and have experienced something significant in my personal and professional coaching life. Winter, especially in late winter (Copenhagen) Denmark is rough. This is in great contrast to my home in San Diego, California (USA), where the sun shines, or at least reflects most of the day, people practice, classify, and visibly energetic in winter. Here in Denmark, a beautiful small country to visit or live, I must add that winter is a challenge. Late in winter months have been cold, windy, icy, snowy, rainy, gray, sunny days without sunlight and very little sunlight.

People smile very little. The government seems to have several political struggles, police and youth / alternative lifestyle groups, and more winter laws on the law against young people or "outsiders". People rarely smile. The weather facilitates fast walking with one face down, pushing rain or snow blowing for you. There are lots of beer and alcohol that we feel good about. People face sometimes tired, but mostly empty. In the media and the people you talk with, it is not uncommon for depression and stress. It's like people have been distracted for a few months.

Not so often, in the circles in which I move, it stands out. Why? Because I'm smiling – I'm actually so smiling that this face is when I'm not aware because I'm smiling. I am the "morning man" and I will do my best and up until the morning to my best energy until the early afternoon. I have my living conditions and my spiritual path that gave me a gratification every day when I woke up with the ability to appreciate and enjoy everything from awakening in a cozy bed to be able to fall hot and change clothes With the energy and the ability to train, Keep notes at a meeting, spend time talking to someone I met or practiced at the gym. I have good days. I can do a lot of things I want to achieve in life. Friends and acquaintances comment on my attitude and my energy and wonder about it.

When I meet people or teach or train someone, the same attitude will pervade our interaction. I consciously bring this energy, this EMZONY to the relationship, the time spent together. This is my effective weapon in the law of Janteloven or Jante in Denmark / Jante's law.

The term Janteloven was written by Danish author Axel Sandemose in 1933 as "The Fugitive passes through the race". In the story, the protagonist commits murder when a young man and the conformist values ​​of Jante's hometown are responsible for the murder. It was established that the values ​​of the community destroy the individual spirit of his childhood. Although Sandmose did not insist that these laws were only Danish, they were related to the Danish and the general Scandinavian values.

Janteloven can usually be interpreted as a metaphor reflecting the negative values ​​of the group's mentality. It is interpreted as a series of laws that discourage "individuality, individual performance, novelty of thinking and action, spontaneity, diversity and competition … encouraging uniformity, subjugated fraud, jealousy, mediocrity and self-sufficiency."

Jantelove has ten Commandments:
o You do not think you are special.
o You do not think you're the same thing we do.
o Do not think we are better than we do.
o Do not think you know more about us.
o You do not think you are more important than us
o You will not think that you are good or nothing.
o Do not laugh with us.
o You do not think someone cares about you. Anything you can teach us.

In a very real way this is a soul-killing philosophy that removes the spirit, wipes the smile from his face, and deeply immerses in low negative emotions such as depression, worry and fear. This promotes jealousy and concern for other people, their achievements and positive attitudes. Finally, this Janteloven attitude results in relationships, careers, and society in general. It causes failure. In the modern world, it is not a viable solution for fruitful personal relationships, families and careers.

If you embrace a Janteloven attitude, you will lie.

The truth is to do something, be it anything, be anything that can make your mind do it. The fuel you need is EMOTION. Not only that, but high-level emotions – grateful, happiness, joy, hope, love. Depression, worry, fear and anxiety will not produce a positive result. You will get what you do not want – because you are spiritually focused and placed behind the fear of fear, anxiety, anxiety and depression.

Musician Joan Armatrading is on the right track. Before you read it, check out this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Yqgqd4nkoc

If you are not targeting, look at the structure of Your Life and what You are in your mind and emotions. Usually, he finds concern, depression, and fear. The result did not reach the goal. It's time to kick yourself on high equipment and go to the track that's right – and this is the law of attraction. Remind yourself that attraction will be what you feel and feel with your emotions, whatever it is. I accepted the lie that says you can not, you are not what you want. As soon as it's done, it's time to let go and get back.

So the process goes straight ahead. Make it clear what you want. Do not just concentrate on your mind, but with your emotions. Control your emotions. As the musician, Joan Armatrading says, "lights up." Grateful. Be happy. To be excited. Be motivated. Be persistent. See for yourself that you have reached your goal / what you want and you are happy. This vision is important. The focus is strong. Do not forget this end result – because where you put it in the center, where you find yourself in the end. He seizes all opportunities and is willing to take risks to create opportunities – all this in mind with his goal. Waiting for you to receive what the desire is.

The universe is listening to what's going on in your head and your emotions nourish it. The emotions make your thoughts "scream" out of what you want and in response to the Universe. Without judging, he gives you what he's so strongly focused on his thoughts and emotions. This means that it is the best step to achieve your vision, to insert positive, high-level emotions, and to make your vision behind.

Source by Barrett Clemmensen Powell

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