April Thailand: Songkran

Thailand's Songkran is traditionally about washing away sins and bad luck in the previous year, and getting ready to renew itself over the coming years. Many Thai houses and go to eat, drink and play back the elderly. A number of rituals that take place, such as washing one another and visiting churches.

Young people and tourists, entertainment Songkran is thrown into water and flour or powder above the other. There are also many celebrations throughout Bangkok forefront of the country's most events and celebrations. If you are traveling through this year, then this is a must see and participate in events, but we also need to remember to stay safe, here are some tips.

1. Make sure the water is not hot or salty – Some of you will try to spray salt water or impure water, be careful with this especially around some of the smaller streets of the capital or the provinces.

2. Avoid wet dust if you can – It's part of the tradition of anointing powder on your face, but it could be anything, and you get a few days in a very nasty rash, it is best to avoid contact with anyone trying you smear powder.

3. Remember the culture – Do not go down the road of the capital without shirt or a bikini, there are still dressing in accordance with the laws of Thailand. Make sure you are not too revealing, it can get very hot, but even a visitor in another country, and comply with the laws.

4. Put all valuables in a plastic bag – no matter how much you try to avoid the water in the capital, you will almost certainly get drenched in the end. Make sure when you are on the phone, a watch, a camera, a wallet in a plastic zipper bag. They can be purchased on site so you do not have to worry about, but it is a must if you want to enjoy the festivities.

5. Beware of pickpockets – While this is good advice if you are traveling anywhere and at any time of the year, unfortunately, festivals bring the worst of people, and if you get caught up in the atmosphere easy to forget their values, and you can be It will be someone ready to relieve you of them if you are not careful.

Due to the above, a large Songkran festival, and one he enjoyed, so please enjoy!

Source by Stephen Holmes

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