Russian superstition

Russians are very superstitious people. They deny this, but it's true. These superstitions affect my life every day. Most of the time they are harmless and I go along with them to humor my wife. Sometimes they picked on them.

New superstitions pop up all the time, new situations in our lives. I'll tell him that I need a rulebook for them. Maybe one day I codify them in a book.

Russians raised these superstitions, so there is no need to consult a manual.

Here are some of them. This is by no means an exhaustive list:

1) You can not whistle in the house or car, as they believe that you are whistling away your money.

In our house for dinner, a friend began to whistle. My wife silenced him immediately. He told her: ".. You can whistle in your own house, but you can not whistle in mine country, it's my money you whistled it"

When I first came to America, you saw people standing signs at the intersection of the economy. He asked what they were doing. I told him to ask for money. He asked why. I told him that too much has been fully whistling in their house for their own good.

2) If you accidentally step on your spouse's shoes you have to let the other person step on the shoes, or you'll have an argument.

never tested this superstition. It seemed easier to go along with the appeal as a violation of the price as well.

3) When you leave the house, you can not go back inside for something you forgot or the trip will result in "no good," as my wife says.

4) If you have to go back to get a forgotten item, they can try to mitigate the bad effects by looking at data provider in the mirror of their own thinking for a moment before you go again.

5) Never demonstrate another's surgery or a wound to his body with his hands or otherwise, you are likely to visit yourself.

the few times you've done this, my wife has tried to remedy this wiped the spot where I made the imaginary incision hand, blowing on hand to blow away in the wind, and that the cross.

6) Never give a Russian woman an even number of flowers. The number of dead. Always give odd numbers. If you order a dozen or two dozen roses to her, ask them to throw in an extra one for good luck.

7) Never give yellow flowers to a Russian woman. This means infidelity and means that the relationship will not last.

8) Never give a clock as a gift to a Russian woman. Time is running out to touch.

9) Never give knives or handkerchiefs as gifts. I do not know the reason for it.

10) Never will celebrate his birthday early. You can press your luck.

11) Do not show your newborn baby to strangers until forty days. They are waiting for their soul to arrive and take another soul or energy during this time.

12) It is best to cut his hair or nails during a full moon.

13), it's considered bad luck to shave or cut your hair when a family member is in danger or bad health.

14) when someone praises you or offers a positive comment, you knock on wood or imagined spit three times over your left shoulder so you do not jinxed comment.

15) Do not shake hands or kiss over the threshold of a door. a bridge that allows the devil or evil spirits from the outside into the house that way. When you have done this by mistake, my wife usually trace back outside or pulls in before greeting me with a kiss at the front door.

16) Before anyone takes a long trip, the whole family sat together in silence for a few minutes before the traveler leaves.

17) the truly superstitious have been known to eat 'lucky' bus tickets when the sum of the left three numbers equals the sum of the three numbers on the right.

18) recently while preparing to give my daughter a bath, the little tyke peed on me while I was taking her clothes off. My wife laughed and said that's good news. This meant that my daughter will live to dance wedding!

This list is not exhaustive by any means. Superstitions vary by country and locale. There is a popular Russian television show that travels around the country exploring the unique superstitions of each town or village.

There are many superstitions came from folk tales or fairy stories, Russian Orthodox tradition, or had peasant or agricultural roots. Most Russians are only one or two generations on the farm or village.

In any case, must be aware of the superstitions and try to show a little respect for them whether or not to believe in them. The Russian friends will appreciate.

Source by John Kunkle

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