Introduction of a dog-cat

Ever since our world is made up of many people and some loving cats and some loving dogs, there is a time when the two different people live together.

Are you sure they can work together, but what about the beloved pets? Well, with patience and planning, the cat and dog can learn to become friends. Perhaps not the best buddies, but they can learn to live together if we are dissatisfied with following certain procedures.

First of all, do not throw away the two animals and hope for the best. It only creates a situation in which one or the other is injured, or a first fear that none of them will forget. If this happens, you will never have a peaceful co-existence, no matter how hard you try.

The most important thing to consider is the dog's attitude to smaller creatures. Does the dog like to chase squirrels and / or other small animals? If so, he has developed a booty or enjoys the excitement of the chase. This can cause problems when introducing a cat that usually starts with a dog.

If you are not sure about the dog's reaction, take the dog (on a leash) where there are squirrels or smaller dogs. Here you can watch the dog's reaction to smaller creatures. If only a mild reaction occurs, this is an obstacle.

If the dog did and killed the squirrels and / or cats, forget it. It will in no way be able to live together peacefully between the two animals. Do not let the idea come to your mind because it will not work, no matter how hard you try, the desire will always be there to "get the cat."

As soon as your human relationship unfolds and you think that you will move to more serious results, it is now time for the other two members of the group to get involved.

Having determined that the dog will not hunt for the cat and have lunch.
I have the feeling that the couple is replacing the bedspreads now this may seem odd, but the first introduction is to give each animal blanket to the others and let the cat / dog smell it. I could do this several times while you are in the process of determining what you will do about your relationships and your life situation.

If you find that you are going to be together, bring the cat / dog to the place where you will live. Keep the cat in a carrier and the dog on the leash. Take a look at the reaction between the two, if you are pretty relaxed, let the dog break the cat in the holder (retracted).

Give the dog some treasure, and if the cat is delivered to the screen. Hold the meeting briefly and do so for a few days until you see that both pets tolerate each other and look a bit more relaxed.

In the meantime, keep the cat in a room where food, water, litter box and toys are.

The United States Hemane Society suggests that pets are fed to the opposite side of the door to get used to each other.

The following suggestions are as follows:

  • Short-term premises that put the dog in the cat's field and let the cat roam in the house while the dog is determined.
  • Then set up an obstacle (like a child or pet door) to see each other, listen to the dog, and if the dog shows much interest at the gate gently. If you look calm and do not feel nervous, try a cat to approach the dog, lean the dog and keep it and allow the cat to escape because of its release. Keep it calm and sitting on the dog.
  • If the dog shows aggression, calmly remove the dog and do not abuse or punish it if the cat seems aggressive, remove the cat and start over the dam. Never let the dog chase the cat, no matter how cute it can lead to a dead cat.
  • Do not let pets stay alone until they are completely accepted as friends. Always be supervised.
  • Make sure the cat has an escape slot, a high place where the dog can not get it. Do not let the dog eat the cat food and do not let the cat near the dog when eating.
  • If, after 10 days, animals do not rest and tolerate each other with every effort they know when to say. If you do not look like you are looking for a new home for a cat / dog, you can save life. Animals are like people, some like it, and some do not, we can not know until you try it, the effort does not work. Whatever you do, do not leave them alone to work for ourselves, the outcome can be a disaster and catastrophe.

    Source by Audrey Frederick

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