IB Physics – 7 ways to get a 7

IB physics, especially the higher level, is one of the most difficult subjects of IB Diploma. At the same time, it is still very successful to reach 7. According to the IB statistical report, in November 2009, 31% of Standard Level Kandidates and 20% of Higher Levels received 7. This means that an average of 20 HLs, 4 will be 7.

So how do you get the first 20%?

their techniques as well as IB Physics teachers, one of whom used the labeling of IB Papers. By combining my own experiences, I found 7 key things that successful students learn during the course and IB review. [1] Know the IB Physics Program


One of the best aspects of IB science is the curriculum. The curriculum contains all possible concepts that may be examined. I know a teacher who actually writes IB Papers and told me that each question asked is closely monitored by the Study and if that is not relevant, it is removed. This means that if you can do all of the Syllabus points, there is nothing surprising at the final exam. So if you still have a lot of time ahead of the final exam, make sure you have a curriculum as you recompile.

2) Record IB Physical Curriculum

] One step forward. I strongly recommend that you print a copy of all relevant parts of the Syllabus. As you learn / rewrite, do not just write notes in your notebook, write notes to the printed version of the curriculum. So, as you learn, it will redirect your curriculum. When you do this you will know all the topics you've read, the missed topics, and, more importantly, about the topics you do not yet know about.

3) Maximizing the scores of Internal Internal Assessment (IA) IB

Although IB Physics Exam may be difficult, internal evaluation is much easier. This is because you can put pressure on them at any time. In addition, most teachers offer many opportunities to maximize IA scores. And most importantly, the high rating of IAs means that you can reach a lower score in the final exam and you still get 7. We recommend that you look closely at the physical guide and see what's needed for IAs. If there is something you are not sure about, make sure you ask your teacher. If you do not do as well as you hope, find out why you lost it. There must be no excuse not to count 40+ among IAs.

4) Make sure you understand all points before moving

This is crucial. As the teacher explains each point, make sure you understand it before moving on to the next point. First, the following points depend on the understanding of the first few points, so if you lose a concept, you may be lost. Second, it saves you a lot of time. This means that you will not miss out and look for the concepts you did not understand before. 5) Effective Time Management

If you manage your time, you can do one day, which usually takes up to three days. In fact, I think that one of the most important differences between a 7 candidate and a 5 candidate is the ability to make good use of their time. The most important thing is to remove the disturbances. If you are learning from a textbook or dealing with paper issues, make sure you are not on Facebook! And try to keep things that you're spinning or diverting from your eyes. But I admit, it's often fun to Facebook. So I suggest you give me time, where you can afford to divert it. Personally, I give myself 10 minutes before my first job to see Facebook, grab meals, and so on. If possible, set some time pressure. The Parkinson's Act stipulates that the time required to complete the task is proportionate to the time allocated to it. If you give yourself all the time to write a full practical chance, you will take a day. But for those who do IB English A1, you will notice that you can write 1500 word essays in up to 90 minutes. This is because you have set a deadline and your mind automatically focuses on completing the task at the given time. One way to do this is to focus on previous releases for review and time!

6 Former Paper Questions from IB Physics

I know there are not many previous articles on the new Syllabus and the new Syllabus. However, you will notice that there is still a lot of overlap with the old Syllabus, so there is no excuse not to do much of the previous article. If you find a question that is not in your field then quit. Answering paper issues, especially in timed conditions, is very useful. It helps to humiliate knowledge from theory – to ask questions, and the actual writing of things helps to preserve knowledge. It also reveals holes in your understanding. If you have questions or groups of questions that you can not do, go back to the curriculum and see what you need to review. 7) Examine IB Physics Mark Schemes One of the reasons why IB Physics is so hard I found because what you wrote in the textbook often does not meet the requirements of the exam. In fact, when I compared the definitions of the "Deep Inelastic Scattering" in the Hamper Text Book with the markup scheme, I found that they did not match (The definition of the textbook has gotten 0). Now this would be horrible, especially if the student memorized the textbook and finally did not get the test mark. Promoters are only within the paper and the signaling system that the examiners have to do. So here are the 7 most important strategies I can guarantee will provide enormous help in reaching 7 in IB physics.

Owen Yang

Owen Yang

Founder – IB Blueprint

Executive Tutor – Australian IB Teaching

Source by Owen Yang

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