Birth control pills – not everything you hear is true

It seems that the same tired old wives tales surrounding birth control pills are also popular today. These myths have been placed throughout the generations, and nothing seems to shake them in the public consciousness. And while some carry a small grain of truth, most of them have been fully rolled out in part over the years.

One of the reasons why young women are still not willing to even birth control pills because they are afraid that you will get fat. It also will be afraid to break the terrible acne facial hair grow, or increase the size of the hips and breasts. None of these fears could be further from the truth. What is not clear tablets is regulated by estrogen, which initially cause some water retention and bloating (similar to the symptoms of the menstrual cycle). Switching doses or wait until the body regulates itself, which can take several months, usually solves the problem. Usually, the tablets have been known to reduce acne, but it may be no noticeable change at all, but it would be unusual to have caused a sudden. Similarly, facial hair does not produce, or increase the size of breasts and hips, although these areas swell up slightly.

Why do so many women insist they have experienced some of these side effects? The probable cause inaccurate response relation. The hormone changes in the body that can change the mood of the moment. This in itself can cause increased appetite, and a voltage, which can cause weight gain and acne. Another reason could be that you take the pill at an early age, when the body was not fully developing, that larger breasts and wider hips. Our bodies are constantly changing in small ways throughout our lives, but the changing medications, some people become hyperaware any small differences.

Has anyone warned that birth control pills cause cancer? It seems that just about everything today has the potential to kill or cause some devastating diseases, and again the problem usually arises from improper cause and effect. Women taking oral contraceptives do not cancerous? Yes. Maybe it's because the pill? No fact, studies indicate quite the opposite. It is estimated that women taking regular birth control pills third less likely to suffer from uterine or ovarian cancer. There was no convincing evidence linking elevated breast cancer nor the tablet. In addition, the tablet is very likely to cause babies mistake if you are ready to conceive until you quit taking them forward.

Not all the truth about contraception so rosy. There are possible side effects, which include nausea, headaches, mood changes, breast pain, or spotting. Many of these can be controlled switching products and dosages, or waiting a few months until your body adjusts. In some rare cases, serious complications are possible, it's important to consult your doctor before you start.

Source by Antoinette Ayana

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