Iceland's Great Literature

A few years ago, Iceland was called an "unknown land". But for a few years, they got a new name, that is, "the land of unknown surprises". This name is given to tourists and visitors who have been visiting Iceland and have seen these surprises themselves. All tourism has only one impression in your mind. To see and feel that was never seen and never felt before. This is Iceland – the land of surprises. Almost every visitor to Iceland will enjoy its untouched and untouched nature as well as its historical background and literature. People come here to enjoy and come closer to nature and to all kinds of adventure.

Let's talk about the Icelandic literature of the very beautiful North European country. The main Icelandic literature was formed by prisoners of Iceland in the 19th century during the country's settlement. Since the Old English and Icelandic languages ​​are the same language, sometimes Icelandic medieval writings are sometimes referred to as Old Scottish Literature.

The main attraction of Icelandic literature is the smell of the Middle Ages. These were written between twelfth and fourteen centuries. Sagas is basically a story about Norwegian kings and legendary heroes. These heroes include both Iceland and Scandinavia both men and women. These were the ones that were originally designed by unknown authors. It is believed that people and tellers have read them in large numbers before writing books. Although there is no or there is an original manuscript, but there are some transcripts and collections. These are the review and extension of the original documents.

Hundreds of hundreds were written in the Middle Ages in Iceland. These are essentially divided into four main parts. [1] "The Saga of Kings", which includes the "heimskringla" of snorri sturlus. This saga outlines the history of the Norwegian monarch from ancient times to 1777. [2] "The Kenyling Saga", which contains the stories of the Danish kings, spreading from old to marsh. [3] "The legendary or the lie saga", which includes true stories and some fantasy of romantic and love stories of knights. [4] "The Icelandic", this category contains the full number of so-called saga age [900 to 1050 AD]. This category includes evergreens such as the Egil saga, the life of the warrior poet; laxdela saga – triangular love story; literal saga – a hero's tragic lesson. These are the best in Icelandic literary history because they are full of the complexity of human and social conflicts.

Likewise, the writing was used in the thirteenth century to write contemporary history, as they developed around those important personalities at that time. This is often called "sturlunga saga". This saga tells the evil details of the thirteenth century that led to the conclusion of the old Icelandic public. Other historical writings of medieval Iceland include Ari Thorgilsson and "Lananamabok" [the book of the Icelanders] "islendingabok", probably written by Ari Thorgilsson. Icelandic literature includes "eddas" and "scaldic poetry".

After 14 years of initialization, Iceland's literature declined. They believe that from the 14th century until the 19th century nothing was written, but Icelandic literature has acquired everything, the typical literary history requires in the world.

Source by Asberg Jonsson

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