Socialism in Indonesia and Pancasila

There are several types of socialism in the world. Unlike other countries, Indonesian socialist ideas is not based on mere human, but rather a theological basis, which is called Pancasila.

Indonesia is the world's "fourth most populous country with an estimated 258 million people. This is a diverse ethnic, linguistic and religious groups across the 34 in the province of more than thirteen thousand islands spread from east to west, which is almost as wide such as North America, Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia and one of the emerging market economies in the world today

PANCASILA official philosophical foundation of the Indonesian Republic;.. Panca that is five and Strength represent principles of Pancasila contains five principles held indivisible and interrelated which are as follows:.

  1. Hit A just God .
  2. Just and civilized Mankind
  3. The Unity Indonesia
  4. controlled by Democracy inner wisdom among representatives unanimously.
  5. Social Justice all the people of Indonesia.

Five, as they are inseparable from each other and each other. The principle of social justice have always related to the principles of democracy, and in particular the first principle refers to God. This is a sharp contrast to Marxism, Karl Marx, where it was known as the founder of the belief that "religion is the opiate of the masses." Therefore, it would be difficult if not impossible for this nation to slip into totalitarianism and communism.


Pancasila would be inherent in socialism based on Indonesian politics and governance. The system does not really worked in the past because Pancasila is not properly applied. A nationalistic nation, he leaned communism first 20 years of the republic, and the half – totalitarianism, full of cronyism, nepotism and corruption under President Suharto 30 years ago. However, let's look ahead and consider what has recently happened in Indonesia. To represent a view, let's take an example from Jakarta.

Jakarta capital city of the Republic of Indonesia, which has a size of approximately 665 square kilometers. It is the melting pot of the nation's 300 ethnic groups. It is important to note that although one of the pillars of socialism in the country, Indonesia's government quickly began the process of decentralization in 1999, had a strong centralized government structures of regional autonomy. Jakarta is not only the capital, but with a special autonomous region governed by the governor. Jakarta economic, cultural and political center of the country with a population of 10.07531 million, as 2014 is almost twice the population of Denmark and it is also the 12th largest city in the world; This metropolitan area is called Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi), the sixth largest in the world. In 2009, Jakarta was in excess of income per ca-pita US $ 10,000.00.

After decentralization growth started to grow; Jakarta was 5.88 percent in 2015. The Indonesian central bank (BIS) showed that the 6.48 percent increase in the fourth quarter of 2015 compared to 6.12 percent recorded in the same period in 2014 This was confirmed by the State Statistics Agency (BPS) data for regional gross domestic product (GDP) on 5 February 2016 the gross regional product rating (GRP) per ca-pita is expected to grow around 7.3% towards the front of one of the measures in 2017 GRP economic growth in Indonesia.

governor during the 2012 year, Joko Widodo, now president of Indonesia, and Vice Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, massive social programs established in Jakarta in the following areas: House Health Education and Transport .

along with decentralization of government, Indonesian socialism seems to be similar to the Nordic or Scandinavian democratic socialism. However, the growth aspect, it indicates that the Indonesian models fare better than in Scandinavia. "The next series we will show how it differs from how to create a better growth and to become a successful social system in the world.

Source by Andy Wirjadi

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