Never Travel Without Your Pet's Own Home

Traveling with pets is becoming more common practice, the number of pets away from home is growing steadily. If a cat or dog is unaware of its environment, the animal may be more prone to various injuries, especially when the animal is particularly curious and over-curious. Common travel injuries and illnesses include insect bites, handicapped, petal allergies, cuts, scrapers and foreign objects. Serious injuries, such as poisoning, infection and broken bones, may occur.

Traveling pet will be a much safer and more enjoyable experience if pet owners are better prepared to handle emergencies. Knowing first aid and providing equipment to facilitate care is essential for the injured pet to get the best possible exit. It is easiest to keep in mind the goals of first aiding a pet: first to avoid further injury and to minimize discomfort until the animal can safely be delivered to a veterinarian.

These goals determine what the pet's first aid kit contains. A dog or cat in an existing condition or illness may require additional elements. The pet owner must decide what tools, medicines and equipment he needs to add depending on the particular needs of pet animals. All batteries must be stored in a waterproof container that can be securely sealed.

Pet's first aid kit samples may include:

– Pet information card with current pet health information, veterinarian's address and phone number. The toxic hotline number must also be included.

– Latex Gloves, Cotton Wipes and Hand Bags

– Rectal Thermometer and Lubricant Bags

– Triple antibiotic ointment, hydrocortisone cream

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Do not forget to pack packaged items in leakproof plastic bags and rotate the items so that the medicines and the ointments do not cease. Keep the first-aid kit of the pet away safely away from children and pets.

In a perfect world it would not be useful for a pet's first aid kit, but it does not postpone it. The availability of the necessary tools and equipment can make a difference in your critical health and safety.

Source by RG Kirk

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