What is the pH? How does pH affect our health?

PH balance – body pH scale – food

It has all pH values. The scale or diagram is color-coded and ranges from 0 to 14. The battery acid is dangerous and at pH 1 the calcium is very alkaline, pH is 12, potassium 14 is pH. The pH measurement identifies the acid or alkaline to whatever the test under test 7 is acidic and the above alkaline. However, testing of body fluids, foods or drinks, basin or alkaline water requires each of them to require different pH test kits. PH [7459003] PH is the abbreviation of "hydrogen potential" or acidic and alkaline ratios in all substances and pH measurement of body 7.365 is a reference value for health measurement.

Our deep vein arterial blood performs pH measurement. Traditional medicine indicates that our blood must be at pH 7. Dr. Robert O. Young more accurately determines our normal pH to 7.365 (easily remember 7 days a week, 365 days a year). Based on Dr. Young's research, we used 7,365.

Our pH (normal range) can be compared to body temperature; Each has a normal range of 98.6 degrees. When your body temperature rises or decreases, you usually experience symptoms, and more importantly, we also know that there is a cause when our temperature is not normal. In all sizes and fashion you will find thermometers and it is easier to find the pH test strips for body fluids and foods.

As they do not usually teach about our pH range, we are uncertain of what causes them to be too acidic and which are too acidic.

In the present world of decommissioned foods, water and air, there is usually a consensus that it is very difficult to become anxious. Furthermore, while alkaline we are acidic in bodily functions, ie when digested, our digestive system emits acid to digest food (degrades), then our intestinal system adds a higher acid to degrade our Microscopic Nutrition for our body.

PH balance body

PH measurement is acidic and alkaline, between 0 and 14

For this purpose the body's pH is 7.365,

7.365 neutral If the pH is 6,365, then 10 times as acidic as the normal range.

7,365 neutral when pH is 5,365, 100 times so acidic as normal

You can see how the pH factor is composed.

This is why people feel like their health has spiraled, in fact, returning and recapturing to the spiral usually requires more help. Most people experience the same general symptoms before they ever diagnose.

In my experience, the following may be: sensation and tiredness, weight gain (or loss), possibly acid reflux or drowsiness, tiredness at the same time daily, digestive or elimination problems, sleep problems because it is difficult to sleep or someone else can sleep but can not sleep, But other people are going to sleep, but they wake up that they do not feel, regardless of the age of short-term remittances, allergies or reactions that appear or are much worse than before. And the list goes on.

After experiencing some or all of the general symptoms (most of us normal and not long), we can move on to the chronic condition, which means that To remedy medication regularly and then become a diagnosis Because we go to the doctor if we can not solve ourselves.

All of us were induced through food, water and air decomposed through our environment and most of us were in the guidelines when determining our personal standards of quality food, water and air. I just learned to understand our decisions just recently.

Nevertheless, the combination affects our health and we know that we are looking at us to examine our decisions, lifestyles and take responsibility for improving our home environment with clean foods, clean air and clean water.

PH range of food – food

The dietary pH table is available at http://www.pHBodyBalance.com Important.

If we digest acid to digest food, we can consider many factors when we talk about "what acid" is a given food. For example: the digestion of red meat is more than chicken, the digestion of the chicken requires more digestion of the turkey and the turkey needs to be better raised than fish and the fish needs to be digested more than the fish vegetables. After saying that it is important to chew, saliva is alkaline, so the more you chew the less work your stomach has to do.

Fresh food has enzymes and these enzymes help the body in digestion.

Water neutralizes digestive systems, so strong drinking water can affect the currently digestible ability and later cause further retardation.

Your body is either working or healing but you can not both, so if your body digests your evening meals when you lie down, you can not cure it, the happier your evening meal, the less effective the healing cycle.

The product being marketed today is encoded and when prefix "9" is code, it is an organic product, the "4" is conventional. The purchase of fresh organic products is optimal, freshly frozen products are a good choice and more practical if they do not have access to ecological and natural stores within a short time of your home.

Fruits always controversy, because fruit has so much nutrition. However, it is about understanding the concept in a practical sense, such as talking about orange. Not long ago they cut off the orange from the tree when they matured and entered the market, they were picked green today and matured (fermented) on the truck market. So would an orange acid think it acidic?

If you're acidier, it's best to stay in the berry at the beginning of the blueberry, blackberries and raspberries, then jump into a strawberry. The melon is generally lower on the acid scale; But watermelon is a leap.

Processed foods (food in a box) are not the best choice if you want to take food. Do not forget that the body only recognizes adult foods, and just like the supplements, can not feed something that you do not recognize as natural. Canned foods are also questionable due to the high heat and additive process (with storage), but the use as a casual ingredient in a recipe that is naturally grown and harvested does not affect the use of the natural food source (s).


Red meat was used as an example, since most acids were digested. They said it would be possible to digest today's red meat for days. Think about animal food, injections, lifestyle, etc. And you can easily see how we figured out what was the alkaline, free grass food (only) and transformed it to feed the masses. Greater and finer, it does not fit the healthy.

There are sources of grass-fed beef, just like alkaline wild game, wild, etc. That can be an alternative to the meat-maker or many organic tofu are good substitutes.

Most commonly, we find it more balanced, our desire for fatigue and too acidic symptoms.

Cold water wild fish is usually the best source. Fish from a very hot water or a charged farm may be more reliable as more tests are carried out. Today is the source from where the fish came from and where they have to be packed on the label, which helps many better decisions. In addition, if you are waiting for the wait staff in the restaurant, you can give advice on the source before ordering.

Purchasing the optimal food can be challenging for those who do not leave near organic or natural markets. Whether we all need to find shortcuts, easy ordering and storage modes, and keep track of the freshness and our lives.

If you are registered at http://www.pHBodyBalance.com you can subscribe to a free newsletter on the site.

O Snails (better than the best peanut butter, but made of sunflower seeds)

Capsules and Liquids ] O Probst Farms Berry Jams and Xylitol Honey

O Real or Salted Salt

O Rooibos Red Tea (Bags and Loose)

Astraya Stevia (no aftertaste, concentrate 98% raubidauside) How to make minor changes that will make big differences.

Food Tip (TIP): Freshly pressed lemons and limes are key to a better feeling and a better look. Add Astraya Stevia and pure water to the delicious lemonade. You can also prepare salad dressings and sauces with fresh lemon, limes and oils.

The PH test kits are available for the requested and more supplies at retail and wholesale. The pH balance is in balance. "

Another key element is the cleansing of the intestine and colon, this must be discussed in another segment.

Source by Maraline Krey

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