Holiday Tips and Advice – Money Saving, Packaging and More

WELCOME – something I'm looking forward to and what we all feel worthy of. Certainly, some countries perceive this and retire their people for a week, but I do not see it coming to our country's agenda for a while, right?
So, why do not you take this well-deserved break? Can not afford you? Keep in mind that the old saying – "take care of pennies and pounds to take care of themselves"? Well, though this modern "throw" society does not seem to be particularly concerned about pennies, the saying is as true as ever. Let's take an example – at a time of shopping, how often do I think I have to relax, get coffee, coffee and sometimes muffins? & # 39; Well, just stop the coffee and the muffin every week, and by the end of the year there is a return flight to Spain. For this purpose, halfway through shopping, not just after shopping, return to the car, but pour out a cup of coffee from the flask and relax and relax when listening to the radio. Alternatively, if the weather is pleasant, you can enjoy coffee in the fresh air in the park. Also, just a pack of cigarettes or a take-away package (you probably will not notice the difference, but your body is likely to) and it will be wonderful accommodation at the end of the year. Follow the maximum TV advertising bill and think, "Because it's worth it!"
So now we're ready for vacation and get to the dreaded pack. I'm ladies here. (Men have no packaging problem, right? – they can pack for 5 minutes, as they contain only some clothes, money, and passports.) What's the matter?

Clothes are wise – if you want the least you'd say the basic duo's colors are black and white. It's amazing how you mix it up and it seems you've taken more clothes than you did. The basic clothes can be dressed up or dressed colored jewels, as the occasion arises, and one stand / packaging can be a shoulder strap / pad on the machine, the fürdőruhájára change clothes or night clothes, which are sometimes cooler.

Since I'm more of a missing mind and I never remember where I put things when I'm in a different environment, I've simplified the packaging using plastic bags of different colors. Hosiery, trousers, bras, makeup, hair care products, etc. Each one comes in a separate bag, and when they come to the resort, they do not pack the bags, but only on my body. For example, the tights (foot) would go to the bottom drawer and the hair products (head) would be in the top drawer. (Of course, I assumed that the hotel has branches, but if not, do not forget, just hang up the label pouch wardrobes függesztőin, or just in case the hanging space is limited, Take the plastic hooks to make it through The doors). The nightstand is basically based on emergency situations such as medicines, first aid, phone numbers, travel insurance, mobile phones, paper, pens, etc. They maintain. I find that the envelopes are approx. 3 days to reach this country and the cards usually arrive after I returned from the holiday. (Now, if you start with a little smug feel this efficiency, quickly found the earth, remembering the initial horror that I felt after the holidays and returned to a crazy shopping expedition, I found that the headset bags boldly decorated the "PANTS & BRAS" words.

one thing we all miss on your vacation, our favorite pillow. Why are they so uncomfortable in the continental pillows? continental heads the same shape as ours, yet it seems that the pillows foreigners made it. I have read that the Queen takes you own travels, and I understand why! However, my friend is a possible solution. once purchased new pillows every year, on holiday in the old ones, enjoy a good sleep, and at the end of the vacation leave of pillows. the Empty space in the suitcase free of duty and gifts, etc. The warning here is ab . Hard Case regarding return I noticed the seriousness of using Spain's recent return our airline to a Budapest that an official had to check-in with cash behind and had to pay in excess prior to all of us – not cheap 7 euros / kilo. (Remember a pound is just about equal to one bag of sugar). Some had to pay over € 40. I wondered if some of the holiday gifts were worth 7 euros. In fact, when you think about buying gifts for little grandchildren, why not be easy on yourself and buy them before you leave the UK. It saves you weight and concern and the games are of higher quality in the UK. If you ever wondering what's happening with all the souvenirs you are having with the holidays, go to the local charity store or car boot.

Now, as you struggle from the attic with your suitcase, remember the following. My friend's husband duly pulled out the two suitcases and told him that this time he would pack his own suitcase to the distant weddings. On the morning of the wedding they wore a comfortable traveling suit and placed the two suitcases in the car. They stopped in a pub just before their destination to replace their wedding dress. My friend had a glamorous dress, her husband full of Christmas decorations!

Source by Jo Godden

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