8 Ways to Beat Holiday Stress

As we prepare for the holidays, it is easy to feel overload and stress. After all, we have to do so and there are many details – main and small – for organizing and overcoming: There are some presentations that must be bought (and wrap!); Decorate at home; Preparing food; Relatives are comforting (think mummies!). The list's legs are infinite.

Still, there are countless tasks and only 24 hours a day to perform them, how is it that the pre-holiday stress does not leave your ugly head back and not stretched out? After all, stress is inevitable … right?

Well, maybe not. You can have a voltage-free signal if you have the right means and the right way of thinking. There are 8 ways to enjoy the holidays – without highlighting them.

-> 1. Look for pennies.

Picture: Kids beg for the latest Nintendo Wii; Your sister refers to a Prada bag; Your husband wants a new golf club … The "gimme" factor has grabbed him and the I-gotta-has-list goes on.

Sure, it feels good to spend the hard earned cash on your loved ones. But when the Visa account appears in its mailbox, the emotional factor fades from the darker, terrible fear: "How the hell do I have to pay for it all?"

The secret, which is not really a secret at all, is that you are financially seized; Not to blow your grid at one time. To stay within the budget, not too on your assets. The latest or greatest condensation is not tough and disappointing for your friends and family the last thing you want. But stay awake at night, worry about how to finance your holiday costs, much worse.

The Stress-free Solution: While shopping in the shop is definitely an easy way out, home lending enthusiasts never go out of style. And the feeling of good feeling? Priceless. (For the cunning inspiration see http://www.Michaels.com ).

-> 2. Get out of the buffet!

Dinner and drinking on the holiday gethategers in December may look natural like snow. But exaggeration involves a high price tag: weight gain.

To avoid overcharging the holiday season (and not about bedding on the king's bed), avoid overindulgence as a pest. This does not mean that you should refrain from any good eating debate. No way! Just do not use the holidays as an excuse to go mother! The key? moderation; moderation; Moderation.

The stress-free solution: There is a small but satisfying pre-snack – a non-fat yogurt container; 100-month package of microwave popcorn or oatmeal; 10 almonds; Cheese stick – to keep the dessert from the table. (Multiple food-related tips and charts – including daily fitness and calorie intake / nutrition counters –
Jump to: http://www.fitday.com .)

] -> 3. Plan ahead.

If you, like most Americans, buy most of the festive gifts at the last minute, you will not do anything to your liking. Not only split-second purchases are gained in crowded stresses – not to mention bad decision making – ultimately spending more money than anticipating and completing the day before the holiday shopping.

It's not possible to reverse the clock (who, in any case, is a serious problem in buying snow shoes in September?), But that does not mean it can not plan ahead next year. As soon as the pancakes are thrown and the lights get stuck, hit the holiday celebrations and pick up the occasions for upcoming events throughout the year – birthdays, anniversaries, wedding and baby showers, holiday gifts and more. You will be happy.

The stress free solution: Buy online! Although you can not find serious bargains, do not worry: the savings you sober are worth the price. (For occasionally organized, uncomfortable shopping solutions go to the 19459005. -> 4. Shop off-peak.

Shopping mall – and do not tell me they did not warn you – do yourself a little thing and go to peak hours Sara's cousin, who can search for 300 yards, is the best time to go shopping around the mall between 16.30 and 18.30 – during hiking! , Not less), and I discovered that although it was not a ghost town, the pre-dinner shopping center was quite quiet

The stress-free solution: use the dough to think outside the box (or mall, as the case may be)

5. Wary of Expectations

For many of us, holidays can be emotionally annoying, so pronounced, To be cheerful, cheerful and warm (happy breed, not Queer Eye for Straight Guy). But not everyone feels like dancing with the jumbo during the holiday season, especially when a sad event, tragedy or loss occurred in the family (death, divorce, divorce, etc.).

The stress free solution: If you pay attention to the prize – thank you for your health; One home; Full work; A supportive family and friends – you are less likely to feel "less" because your life is not all roses, sunshine, and smiling faces (which are in any case overvalued).

-> 6. Harmony (or at least fake). Holidays usually coexist among families – which is not always a good thing, especially if your family is Osbourne, like Osmond.

But that's okay. No family is perfect and you do not even have to.

At the same time, holidays are not the time to overcome emotional conflicts, bad family litigation, or dirty linen. If you are crazy about Aunt Blanche ____ (choose sin), there is no rule that says you can not keep it for yourself. The living room is not a Jerry Springer stage. In other words, backward! A stress-free solution: Avoid emotional family conflicts – at least until the beads are dropped.

-> 7. Delegate tasks.

Are you sure everyone thinks they're superheroes – and in many ways. But that does not mean that you have to make a holiday, close the gifts, clean the house, break it down, clean it and clean it for dinner and enjoy the fun of the holiday, all at once . You deserve something!

One way is to get help. But telling you about what you expect from them – what you need – is often the most effective way to do it. The stress-free solution is "Do not ask, do not tell" does not work in the army and will not work in the holiday season. Ask. Tell!

-> 8. Add a little pleasure. Like the headless chicken drawing, it does not serve any purpose than you feel … headless chicken.

In addition, there is a better way to prepare for holidays. How about you really enjoy them for change?

Of course, lifting your leg and sledging is easier than you do, especially if you are a competitor to Santa Claus. But there is one way: Try to enjoy the vacation preparation process. For example, instead of plowing on the holiday card list, a celebration music (James Taylor at Christmas), grab a hot dish and a pretty pen, and start writing. Before you know, the list will be complete and you really enjoy the process. What a concept!

The stress-free solution: Connect the internal Mary Poppins and think about "All the work you need to do / Have a fun item / Find fun and snap!" " Hey, if he worked for Mary …

Source by Melissa Roske

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