Car Etiquette – Tips on Women and couples sitting in the passenger cars

Etiquette rules on car seats is a business social events are different seating position. The car travel social rules is especially important if you open the door of a woman, and when couples are in the car. Savvy individuals who want to climb the ladder of success know the rules and follow them carefully.

The social situations, good manners require a well-mannered man to help a lady on the sidewalk side of the car before walking around the car to leave himself. Ladies, everyone knows that open their doors, but some of the essentials. Before 17:00, it may be a lion in the office. After 17:00, but then it might not lighten up, turn into a kitty cat, and stop robbing the man of his manhood. Men, do not be ignorant! The alert is a subtlety not lost a classic woman. Even a simple gesture such as opening a car door sends a message that you think he should be treated like a princess and you could be proud to see him. If you have to fake it until it becomes part of you.

How couples sit down if you're traveling with a sign that social class. If two men and two women of the working class travel together, the two men sitting in the front seat of the car, and the rear seats for women. The middle class, one couple sitting in front, the other pair in the back. Upper-class people, choose a different layout. The rise of a couple sitting in front of the man leading the other pair, while his partner sits in the driver's female partner in the back seat. He postpones the back seat of the woman by giving her the seat of honor – the rear passenger side. The assumption of this seating arrangement that a couple spends a lot of time talking to each other. The mixed seating arrangement encourages cross-talk, thus fulfilling the purpose of the exchange with others – scintillating conversation, news and tips for everyone.

all this sound a little pretentious? Maybe, but if you want to join a social club, you have to adapt your way of thinking and to respect the rules of acceptable behavior car manners, as in all areas of etiquette.

Source by Naomi Torre

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