What is Carb Loading

Carbohydrate loading is a technique used by athletes to increase the amount of energy stored in the muscles in order to improve their athletic performance, especially during long-term events. The amount of carbohydrates consumed by athletes depends on their personal needs, sport, event and training program. However, meals that must be eaten directly before an event should be the same foods that they ate during training. No new meals should be introduced before meals. Behind the carbohydrate load is the idea that the body uses a glycogen that is a form of carbohydrate stored in the liver and muscles to provide energy when it is in motion. At the same time, during physical activity, glycogen is depleted and the athlete experiences a decrease in performance. This is because tiredness in the body has no energy, it is more difficult to continue or stop pushing. However, storage of glycogen may prevent this from occurring before the eventual carbohydrate load, which may lead to an increase in energy levels and even increase performance. Some carbohydrate loading techniques at the level of various athletes are as follows:

For Elite Athletes : Excess carbohydrates from the body must be depleted prior to loading. Prior to the event, a low carbohydrate diet is followed for 3-4 days and carbohydrate is to be loaded for the next 3-4 days. During exercise phase, the amount of physical activity decreased to facilitate extra glycogen storage in the body. So the cycle typically begins 7 to 8 days before the event.

For Athletic Levels : Uploading to this level of a competitor begins 3-5 days before the event of the depletion phase and the loading phase

Carbohydrate loading is most useful for a endurance athletes, such as a marathon runner, triathlon participant, swimmer, cyclist or any other event longer than 90 minutes. Other athletes generally do not require carbohydrate loads. Carbohydrate loading is to increase carbohydrate intake compared to the intake of proteins and fats. So carbohydrates have to be between 65 and 75 percent of all calories

If you are planning a carbohydrate load before the event / race, it's important that the athlete is at least a week in the Main Event / Competition. This helps him to determine exactly how much carbohydrate is needed to feel energetic and improve performance. The results are better at carbohydrate load if foods that minimize gastrointestinal stress. So it is advisable to experiment with different food combinations before the event day so that the body has some time to adapt it.

Many enduring athletes like low glycemic index foods for carbohydrate loading because they have minimal effects on the blood sugar level. Low glycemic foods usually contain vegetables, whole grains and cereals. Many marathon and triathletes participating in carbohydrates received a rich dinner before the race. Irrigation is not a good idea. Meals may be rich, but over-consumption is not recommended. The muscles also use amino acids in the aerobic limits, so make sure that the foods have adequate amounts of protein.

Carbohydrate loading techniques should always be carried out under the supervision of a sports nutritionist to provide proper guidance to avoid distortion, particularly when a person is diabetic. The most important rule of sports nutrition is not to try new on the day of the competition, which is also valid for the carbohydrate filling phase. Café Nutrition's rich experience in sports nutrition is a leader in athletic and athletic athletes for many athletes.

Source by Arati Shah

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