Differences between tubal ligation and vasectomy

many couples forgo making use of the birth control shot, or other types that operate like this, when you try to prevent pregnancy. Rather it will utilize sterilization. The two most standard types of sterilization vasectomy and tubal ligation.


A vasectomy is the function that made the man. During the procedure, the surgeon numb the area with local anesthesia and a small incision. When it is he will separate the vas deferens and connect them, sear them, or that the titanium clips at them. This will help keep the sperm to move the man and the woman during intercourse.

This operation costs of $ 500 and $ 1,000, and finally the doctor's office. It takes fifteen minutes a round, and man can go home the same day. She is required to wear a support for nearly a week, or until her to improve. The majority of men can improve within two days. Still, there may be at least six to eight weeks for the remaining sperm extracted from the body. If you're not careful he knows that a woman is pregnant within the window.

tubal ligation

During this operation, the operating surgeon to anesthesia increases. While he sleeps he will open and tie, clip, or cut her fallopian tubes to keep the ovaries and egg travels to the womb. When the surgeon carried out, she ties him, and he will have the night in the hospital.

This operation is anywhere between $ 6,000 and $ 20,000. It requires more than a large incision for vasectomy provisions have to be made. While people can recover in two days it will be at least six weeks.

Source by Naomi West

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