Circumcision reduces sperm fertility in men?

Is it possible that circumcision (removal of the fissure) may reduce man's fertility in a man who has never been circumcised is the same? Especially if a human's sperm comes from the testicles and not from the penis. Is there a degree of infertility for circumcision?

Research on circumcision on the quality and quantity of sperm has long been debated. It seems that a profitable medical community of circumcision feels that this does not affect male fertility. Some people in the medical community, researchers, and ordinary people think that's the way it is. The judgment seems to have been divided

However, birth rates are much higher in countries where men are predominantly uncircumcised. How can circumcision influence fertility in men?

The testicles fall outside the body because the sperm is very sensitive to temperature. To survive, it must be cooler than normal body temperature. It is known that in the cold months men have higher quantities and quality sperm than in warmer months. So men are the strongest in the colder months. It is believed that during the warmer months, sperm damage is caused by hot temperatures, which are based on a man's underwear and basically brew some sperm. Boxers therefore prefer traditional underwear for sperm health. With tight underwear, the testicles get closer to the body. This damages the sperm from elevated temperature to the body.

So we understand that sperm is very sensitive to temperature.

Interestingly, men circumcised have a significant resting temperature as men who are uncircumcised.

The uncontrolled men are cooler than the circumcised men. When any group rises, their penis temperature rises to the same temperature

It is not questionable that an uncircumcised man is a cooler penis than the circumcised person in the loose state. For some reason, this is the reason for removing the needle. There seems to be a kind of temperature sensor on the forearm that can control the temperature of the penis. Removing the harness will get rid of these sensors. Just a few differences in temperature are needed to damage the sperm. Since the penis is close to the testicles, it is very likely that a cooler penis will help keep the testicles cooler (Remember that people are stronger in colder months of the year). In these conditions, if the testicles are too cold, they may retreat to the body at any time.

But if the circumcised man is such a (hot) hot Friday, what happens if this hot penis is underwear against the testicles? That's right … The testicles will be hotter. So if the cremasteric muscles are resting to allow the testicles to be as fast as possible to avoid this heat … What's happening? They do not distinguish themselves because they stay in the "hot" penis.

Keep in mind that the temperature change only takes a few degrees to damage the sperm

It has many features and is one of those. He is a naturally talented man, for a number of reasons. For one reason, the penis is cooler, it does not deny it. Could the removal of the hamstring affect the fertility of man? It seems certain.

Now consider this: The circumcised and uncontrolled men show the same penis temperature as the total erection mentioned above. So obviously there is a special reason why the natural circumcised penis circulates at a cooler temperature in the tired state. When the power of the penis is no longer close to the testicles, penis temperature does not affect body temperature at this stage (be it a circumcision or a penitent penis)

orgasm, penis tends to recapture more of the pool (at least my experience). Due to friction and increased blood flow during sexual activity, it is reasonable for the penis to grow in the post-punk silent state than in the tired state before the sexual act. Would this withdrawal be another mechanism for the "heated" penis to avoid the testicles? Perhaps one day we will know that we know that the fissure is bound to the temperature of the penis

Source by Georg Von Neumann

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