10 The Myths of Presentation and Public Speech

  1. I Can Cry Better – The problem of improvement is that it's awfully coincidental! You need some sights to prevent you from stopping the track. The mind map can help you without designing points.
  2. I have to write my full speech before I speak. What a pity! The script may take longer than the notes, and it's much harder to edit. More importantly, we do not speak as we write: language may be different and sentences are generally shorter. … then will remember – Here's the disagreeing cause and the erasure of the nerves! Let your life be easy: remember where you are and where you were and you can tell where you are right now, without having to learn anything. Nerves are bad for presentations and places – Actually, if you control the nerves, instead of steering them, the nerves become adrenaline. In time you can learn to enjoy public speaking freedom (yes, I said you will enjoy it.) Techniques of this include breathing, capturing and visualizing. Learn more about future blogs.
  3. Make eye contact eye ​​contact Find out about people's responses
  4. with a joke – Unless you're a comedian, try something safer. There are other safe ways to make the audience easier and get answers like the spice stand of the brochure. Humor is often an integral part of a familiar situation but can not be considered a private
  5. You can not change your voice – Your voice is as unique as a fingerprint, but you can change it if you pond within the range, at different pitch, resonance, and using different rhythms, and clarifying the articulation. This is training and practice.
  6. Always show yourself in the beginning – Think about how many times you came out and talked to someone. 10 minutes later, you realize you do not know each other. & # 39; names. Presentation or pitch works in the same way: first listen to it and tell who you are. It also reassures us because it reflects what we naturally do when we talk to people.
  7. It's natural. Just because a person can get up and talk before a group of people does not need that person to be an effective speaker. If a speaker is effective, you will probably be prepared for a while and collect creative, relevant materials that are of personal significance. Then he clearly formulates these ideas with the involvement of the audience.
  8. Climb the Bottom – Okay, maybe this is not a general myth but I heard a radio interview . How I wish it was television to see him walking as if he was badly bleeding. This is the basis for preventing women from getting shaky legs during the conversation and forcing people to force their thighs. The speaker was obviously not an entertainer, otherwise he used some useful methods.

Source by Alison Kemp

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