Foxes as Pets – There are 6 Different Types of Dogs

Many people are fascinated by the idea of ​​owning a pet dog. They are charming, intelligent animals, and there are lots of appeals to being a "special" animal that is not many people. While fox can provide a decent recreational purpose to someone who takes care of time and resources, many people make the mistake of buying pet dogs, they think it will be like a dog.

1. The foxes are difficult to train

Dogs are born with a very strong packet mentality. The dog feels like the alpha and is firmly bound to obey the leader. They live to please you. The fox, however, lives as you like. While they are very intelligent, the fox's most important motivation is other than the dog. The dog wants to love and happy, the fox wants her hands. Foxes Stink

The foxes are very strong smells. As long as a dog can bathe for a few weeks to develop a huge stench, the foxes will smell 24/7. This strong, muscled smell can be slightly reduced if the fox is neutered but can not be completely eliminated. The fox is sad

Many people imagine the fox is an awesome pet pet that she can show her friends and their neighbors. Unfortunately reality is almost always far from him. While foxes are often very close and affectionate with their families, they will continue to be ashamed of visitors and aliens. Foxes have special needs

Foxes contain special nutrition and physical exercise requirements outside of your dog. They are extremely energetic and require physical exercise every day. Large, well-built outdoor cover is required. Which leads to my next point …

5. Foxes are more familiar with houses than the most definite dogs. They are bouncing in the air with six feet, climbing on the fences, and clinging upside-down to hang a short chain on a chain link. All the cabinets that are used to guard the fox should not only be large, but impossible to take out and take a full roof. Foxes Destroy

Many people take a fox in the wrong impression that it can be kept as an indoor pet and kept running the house free while they are away at work. Nothing can be further from the truth, especially for larger species than red foxes. They will steal and hide something that is small enough to carry them and just take as much as they can. It is almost impossible to break the best fox of such behaviors. The dog can be taught not to chew things, fox can only be taught if he does not chew things while watching . While a fox is loose in the house, it requires constant supervision. Finally, foxes can create stunning pets for those who are willing to take care of them. If you are interested in a pet fox, open your eyes wide open, do the research and understand that fox care is not like caring for a dog.

Source by Sarah Roche

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