Honesty and Integrity – What does this mean for you?

Honesty and integrity go hand in hand, but in today's world it seems that people have become so loose that both features are a missed window. In fact, if you ask most of today's youth to give you the most definitive concept of honesty and integrity, they may be able to tell you that you are a honest tool to tell the truth, but you will probably never tell yourself again

Although most people understands what honesty – truthfully – do you understand what the truth means? For example, yes, it is wrong to lie, but is not it bad to not tell the whole truth or the whole story so to speak? Many believe that holding some of the truth is the same as the lie, and if you do, you will not practice sincerity.

But once again, when they ask honesty for young people, most do not know what they are talking about. It's a word to know how to spell it. There is some idea of ​​what it means, but there is no real understanding of what integrity and honesty mean. If you have integrity, it means you are living in a moral and ethical way. Honesty covers lies, but integrity apparently extends to everyone else's life.

After we grow up and are forced to face reality, we learn that the world can be a cold, tough and cruel place. As we walk through our lives, we often lose the place of our own values. We will try to pay bills, introduce children, care for old parents, try to keep our marriage together and try to live to look at our own retired years and grandchildren. Because of all this – apparently all the time – it is difficult to forget our values, which in turn affects our integrity and integrity, even if they have never intended it to happen.

Before you can live your life with honesty and integrity, you must first make sure you are in and out. We all have strong feelings about certain issues, such as abortion, firearms, and such things. But as big as these questions, they're easy. You're here either side of the fence or the other.

But in small daily things, where are you based on your values? For example, is his honesty and integrity so great that if you run red light, will you pull the next officer you saw and insist on giving you a ticket? The odds are good that you will not. But if the counter of the counter can give you too much change, is the second when you realize that you are returning extra money? Hopefully honesty and integrity would come about and we will do our best to take back that money.

To have a sincere and integrity-based life, you need to know who you are and what you are doing, and you have to settle yourself every day, ensuring that you do nothing that is your own values ​​or moral codex .

Source by Jed A. Reay

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